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Tag Archives: trafficinfratech expo

Brimming with Technology and Innovations

Innovation was in the air at the TrafficInfraTech Expo 2023. Some of the biggest and most innovative players in the landscape of mobility shared with Sid Jalan their incisive opinions and deep knowledge in the realm of transport management, safety, AI, parking management, ITS/V2X, tolling, Make in India, and the innovations taking place in this space The expo was an ...

Multiple discussions; A bundle of takeaways

Conference sessions have always been the highlight of TrafficInfraTech Expo. The areas chosen, the issues discussed are in tune with the recent developments in the mobility space- Infrastructure, technology, or policies. The conference this time too covered topics right from sustainable construction, new age parking, emerging technologies for Road safety, security and tolling to ITS development in India and V2X ...

TrafficInfraTech Expo, Smart Mobility Expo and Parking Infratech Expo: A highly focused and integrated show

“Highly focussed and concise show”; “The best platform for the Indian Traffic Industry”. “A wide spectrum of quality visitors and delegates”, “Comprehensive solutions for Traffic and Parking Management’, “Technology showcased very much as per the need”, “Very interesting and invigorating seminar sessions”. The ‘big’ inauguration by Traffic Industry leaders and the Government officials. The Show was supported by MoRTH, Niti ...

Road Safety Today: The dynamic epoch

Avery Dennison, the silver partner at the event believes that road safety is no accident and needs focused measures at all levels. Road Safety is everybody’s responsibility. The same was presented the technical session at the exhibition. The persistent issues of around road safety negligence were highlighted, trailed by practical solutions that can contribute to a reduction in road accidents ...

The Success Reaffirms Expo’s Top Position

ITS, Multi-level Parking, Tolling, EVs, Mobile Apps, Safety Barriers, Security Products , Telematics, Display Systems , Breath Analysers, Reflectors… name it, I could find every solution here. What a fantastic show!” said an elated visitor after completing his rounds on the second day. The same sentiment was echoed all through the three days of the integrated twin Expos – TrafficInfraTech ...


TrafficInfraTech Expo and ParkingInfraTech Expo, presented under the banner of Smart Mobility, opened their innings in South India this September at Hitex Exhibition Centre, Hyderabad. With the theme “Smart World & New Mobility: Breaking Barriers”, the shows attracted quality visitors committing to come again next year in Mumbai in October. TrafficInfraTech Expo, in its sixth year, and ParkingInfraTech expo, in ...

‘Our penalty points are a big deterrent to traffic offenders’

Hyderabad City has taken many remarkable initiatives for road safety and traffic management. Dr V Ravinder, JCP-Traffic, Hyderabad City Traffic Police tells Preeti Swaminathan his many plans to bring a method to the madness on the roads Do tell us about some of the traffic technology initiatives adopted by the Hyderabad City Traffic Police. Hyderabad Traffic City Police is going ...

New technology to improve speed enforcement

Laser Technology offers a wide range of laser-based products for law enforcement agencies. Laser Technology Inc (LTI) revolutionized traffic enforcement with the introduction of the very first laser speed device. This was a major breakthrough because it enabled law enforcement to pinpoint an individual vehicle in dense traffic and gave them a tool unaffected by radar detectors. Lidar, which stands ...