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Tuesday , 23 July 2024

A good networking platform

The exhibitors were elated to meet up with the right kind of solution seekers and decision-makers


We are exhibiting for the first time and got an overwhelming response. Our expectations of meeting dignitaries and government officials have been satisfied and we can say that it is always good to meet everyone else in the industry at platforms like these which is otherwise very difficult and time consuming. It was a great opportunity to showcase our product range to key decision-makers.

Prasun Talukdar
Director-Key Verticals,
Johnson Controls (India) Private Limited

We are an Australian company and we have been working in India for more than ten years, supplying traffic monitoring systems. TrafficInfraTech Expo is the best place for us to be in contact with our clients in one location to explain what we do and find out from them what they do. We have been coming here since the start. It’s a great avenue. for us to be in direct touch with our clients. The Expo had exceptional discussions, interest and people; from long-term clients and collaborators to those who are seeing us and our award-winning ATCCs/ Traffic Counters for the first time. We will be participating next year too in Mumbai

Maurice Berger
Technical Sales Expert,
Microcom PTY Ltd / A Metrocount Australia

We are one of the global leaders in ITS, ATMS and Smart City solutions. The Expo has been fantastic experience, we did manage to speak to few high-level officials and traffic police.

James Weartherall
CP-Sales Logix ITS

Out latest product is the TruCam II which has an auto-zoom autofocus and auto-iris. This product has latest technology in ANPR. We hope to introduce this latest innovation to police/enforcement authorities in every state in India.

TrafficInfraTech Expo has been very good experience for Laser Inc. The response has been good, and we saw a lot of interest in our product. We hope to participate next year too.

Ricky D’souza
Regional Sales Manager
Traffic Safety, South & Central Asia, Laser Technology

Our experience has been good. We have a very good diversity of customers as they have been authorities from private sector, designers and consultants. It has been very fruitful for us.

Tom Duckham
International Sales Advisor
RedSpeed International Ltd

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