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Friday , 26 July 2024


Multi-functionality of AI Video surveillance and Traffic management

The buzz around Artificial Intelligence (AI) has pervaded the infrastructure and logistics markets and stakeholders across the globe take a second look at this emerging space. Sid Jalan explores how AI will figure in Surveillance and Traffic Management. India consistently ranks as one of the most dangerous countries when it comes to road safety. It has not gone unnoticed by ...

Reducing Carbon Footprint using Smart Fluorescent Street Lamps

Though it plays a major role in improving road safety and reducing street crimes, street lighting is a concept neglected by authorities. The rising cost of electrical energy and pressure to reduce the impact of street lighting on green-house emissions have forced a review of policies on the issue. Here are pros and cons of the situation along with solutions for an energy efficient smart street lighting system.

Energy efficient street lights

LED or Induction Lamps which are energy efficient and cost effective are gradually replacing the conventional street lights like sodium and metal halide lamps