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Friday , 26 July 2024

Editors Page

Mangala Chandran

As this last issue of Trafficinfratech for the year 2019- 20 was getting closed, India went into a lockdown raising anxieties and uncertainties about both life and economy. Around the world, each country is putting up its own Covid19 battle; however, the fact remains that it is a collective global battle to be fought with patience and hope.

In this issue, the focus has been to show how the county is making huge investment in infrastructure and offering opportunities for international participation. Developing traffic and transport Infrastructure, leveraging technology and strengthening multimodal transportation have been among the top priorities. It is foreseen that as and when the country limps back to near or partial normalcy, there would be a renewed focus on Infrastructure with restarting of highway construction. Yes, the government has a huge task in front: solving transporters’ issues, tolling operations and above all giving security to the migrant workers.

In this period of national and personal crisis, one factor which is affected or controlled is mobility of people and goods. Many of the automobile manufacturers are putting into use their spare capacity to manufacture equipment and solutions required to treat the corona patients; many ITS solution providers or smart city technology providers are rolling out smart solutions that can help track patients, contain spread, monitor quarantined people, etc. The police could be helped with AI based solutions & ANPR for restricting traffic, and detecting violation during lockout period.

We may not be very sure about how soon life will be back to normal, but we are sure, all citizens and all industries/sectors should work along with our government to reduce the impact of the crisis.


A good number of pages of this issue of TrafficInfraTech are taken by the coverage of the November 2019 Expos: TrafficInfraTech Expo, Smart Mobility Expo and Parking InfraTech Expo.

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OCT 2019 – NOV 2019

We have all been talking about how technology will be changing the way we will travel in future. The mobility pattern and the need to adopt newer technologies differ from country to country.

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AUG 2019 – SEPT 2019

Even as the rain- damaged roads were breaking the nerves of the motorists, the recent hike in fines for traffic violations created nationwide debate. Better roads or higher fines?

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JUNE 2019 – JULY 2019

Fortunately, today most of the cities around the world are following data-driven traffic management solutions to reduce congestion, accidents, and pollution.

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APRIL 2019 – MAY 2019

Post-election, road and infrastructure sector has a lot to cheer because of the continuity it can expect in terms of policies and implementation. The Minister Nitin Gadkari has already unveiled his plans for highways & world class expressways and promotion of vehicles running on alternative fuel.

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FEBRUARY 2019 – MARCH 2019

A number of innovative forces are coming together to define the future of mobility; right from electrification of vehicles, superfast transportation- both ground and underground- flying cars, to autonomous & connected cars or robocars.

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This issue of TrafficInfraTech magazine is for the Smart Mobility 2018 which received acclaim from both the exhibitors and the visitors alike. The highpoint was the opportunity it provided for the right exhibitors to meet up with the right solution seekers.

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This issue of TrafficInfraTech magazine is for the Smart Mobility 2018 which received acclaim from both the exhibitors and the visitors alike. The highpoint was the opportunity it provided for the right exhibitors to meet up with the right solution seekers.

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We are excited for two reasons. TrafficInfraTech has completed seven years of publication and with this issue, it is entering the eight year. Being the premier publication to look at Traffic Technology and Infrastructure comprehensively, it has garnered wider readership and acceptance.

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As the vehicular traffic is increasing, Indian urban areas are facing the biggest issue of adequate parking space. Understandably, the planners of the new smart cities are predicting the increase in demand for surface parking and taking into account the various options for providing workable solutions.

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