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Friday , 26 July 2024

Special Focus

INTERVIEW – Managing Highway Safety

To Dr. Anita Jamadar, Superintendent of Police, Highway Safety Police, Aurangabad, manning the Highway traffic is not just a Police duty. It is all about getting motivated to contribute to the welfare of the society. You are holding the position of Superintendent of Police, HSP, Aurangabad. How challenging or inspiring has been your journey to reach this commendable and responsible ...

Chasing “Mobility Dreams”

In India today, as with in other parts of the globe, we have countless number of women top managerial cadre in the traffic & transport sector. They have been contributing in developing new products and services and have changed the traffic industry in more than one way. This special feature in this issue of Trafficinfratech goes out to all the ...

Bringing together the who’s who of the transportation sector

I have been attending this expo for the last three years. The initiative taken by the organizer is commendable, bringing together traffic and road safety players under one roof. I can see, there is huge improvement in terms of footfall and the number of exhibitors in this expo. –T Krishna Prasad IPS,  DGP & Chairman, Road Safety Authority, Telangana   ...

Smart Parking Solutions

India, the fifth startup nation in the world, has enriched its startup ecosystem with strong startup incubators. These incubators are companies or organisations that lend a strong support to the startups, beginner companies and small & medium enterprises. With the Central government taking a keen interest in the startup revolution and insisting on creating a conducive atmosphere for it, the ...

Catalyzing Smart City Processes

The smart cities india foundation  is a Bangalore based nonprofit organisation dedicated to advocacy and promoting smart solutions for  sustainable cities. Founded just over a year ago, this group has exerted a quiet influence in reshaping the agenda for urban infrastructure renewal both in Bangalore and elsewhere in the country. TrafficInfraTech’s Ravi Chandran,  spoke to Dr A Ravindra Chairman, SCIF ...

Leading Technology in Weigh-In-Motion

Kistler’s Lineas Strip WIM sensor comes with all the advantages for applications such as traffic data collection, overload detection, bridge protection, tolling, pavement planning & traffic research. The company has installed more than 3000 installations worldwide including India. Roads & Highways are built with huge investments. The ROI takes years to be claimed back. Damages of the roads caused by ...

A New Way of designing city public spaces

Ashok B. Lall Architects is a Delhi based firm committed to sustainable practice and is uniquely qualified in the design of public realm through a consultative approach. The firm with a team of transport planners, landscape designers, urban designers and community workers is spearheading the project Aapki Sadak that involves developing viable solutions for improving neighbourhood streets and reclaiming the ...

Sustainable Solutions to Highway Development

Highways are the country’s lifeline. In India, this sector is saddled with Construction, Operation and Maintenance issues. During the seminar session (Trafficinfratech Expo, November, 2013, New Delhi) on “ The need to redefine the Model Concession Agreement for highway construction”, panel members, Anand Kumar Singh, CGM, National Highway Authority (who moderated the session); Abhishek Mukherjee (who made a presentation), PPP ...

Nation on the move – A lifetime of research into transportation

The role of transportation in any society cannot be underestimated, more so in the developing world where it plays a critical role in human upliftment. The subject is cross-disciplinary and involves a complex interplay of various forces: land use, urbanization, demographic shifts, population growth, economic factors and ecology. Undertaking a study of this subject is a challenging task and Dr. ...