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Saturday , 20 July 2024

Tag Archives: ITS

Advancing Intelligent Transportation System in India: A Comprehensive Review of the Latest NHAI ATMS Policy (2023)

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) emerge as a critical catalyst for reshaping the landscape of transportation. This article, authored by Akhilesh Srivastava, CEO of ITS India Forum, critically reviews the recently introduced NHAI ATMS Policy (2023), shedding light on its transformative potential and addressing key aspects of technological evolution, safety enhancement, and collaborative initiatives. Integration of cutting-edge technologies within ITS presents ...

ITS using C-V2X

Intelligent transport system is an important requirement in India and adopting C-V2X (Cellular Vehicle to Everything) technology based on 3GPP specifications will create a harmonised eco-system with the Cellular networks Intelligent Transport Systems are a suite of public transport planning, operations management and customer service applications that are enabled by advanced information and communications technologies. They act to enhance the ...

Next Generation Road Safety

The issue of road safety has been complex and multifaceted for generations. Risk factors include speeding, drunk driving, not wearing a helmet or a seatbelt. The four risk factors have measurable effects on road mortality and morbidity regardless of the fact that many other factors contribute to road injuries and deaths (e.g., infrastructure and vehicle safety measures). A panel of ...

Video Security System based ITMS:Making Transportation Smarter and Safer

Keeping in view the increasing traffic congestion on Indian roads and the ever growing road accident fatality, it has been widely felt that implementation of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems at all urban roads is absolutely essential. Focusing on the multifarious capabilities of the latest Video Security System based ITMS, Ashish P Dhakan, MD & CEO, Prama Hikvision India Pvt Ltd, ...

ITS opportunities in Indian Market

The intelligent transportation system is about improving mobility, safety and revenue collection on city road network and highways with the help of information technology, computers, telecommunication and electronics (ICTE). All Smart Cities invariably use Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) for improving mobility, enforcing traffic rules, identifying incidents, disseminating information, enhancing pedestrian safety, prioritizing emergency service vehicles at signalized intersections, better ...

Chennai Metro: Being Digital

With BIM-based digital platform, Chennai Metro Rail will achieve enhanced construction quality, reduction in expenditures, provide a comprehensive understanding of the project design and optimised operational efficiencies Project Management has always been a challenge in India which is evident with the visible delay in the completion of numerous mega projects. Quality and safety have also been major issues. These challenges ...

Simplifying Transportation in India

India has a massive road network and is arguably the nation with the largest road network in the world. At 1.70 km of roads per square kilometer of land, the quantitative density of India’s road network is higher than that of Japan and the United States and far higher than that of China, Brazil or Russia. Rapid vehicular growth partnered ...

Intelligent Cameras for Traffic Management

With increased urbanization and increased vehicular traffic, cities everywhere are battling with an inability to build enough infrastructure. While the government has been laying emphasis on building roads, bridges & underpasses and creating alternative modes of mass public transport systems, this may not be enough to address the traffic congestion. Traffic management has always posed a challenge in India and ...

ITS for Enforcement of Traffic Rules & Regulations

A key enabler for TM and ITS is the Traffic control center. When the number of operational tasks increases, or the size and complexity of instruments & scenarios increases, TMC could become necessary. Here, data is collected, analyzed and combined with other operational & control concepts to manage the complex transport network. It is the control entre for communicating transportation-related ...

The Success Reaffirms Expo’s Top Position

ITS, Multi-level Parking, Tolling, EVs, Mobile Apps, Safety Barriers, Security Products , Telematics, Display Systems , Breath Analysers, Reflectors… name it, I could find every solution here. What a fantastic show!” said an elated visitor after completing his rounds on the second day. The same sentiment was echoed all through the three days of the integrated twin Expos – TrafficInfraTech ...