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Sensing for Safety

Today, almost every Indian megacity is experiencing traffic congestion and its subsequent problems. Ever increasing transportation needs of the exploding urban population cannot be met perpetually as the available land mass does not change. Thus, the need of the hour is to reshape the transportation networks and infrastructure available in Indian cities. Introduction of Intelligent Transportation Networks offer a viable ...


MetroCount’s RoadPod VL works smoothly both out-of-box or when connected to pre-installed loops. Due to their modular design, these counters have no limitation on the number of lanes of traffic that can be monitored. They record detailed data, such as individual vehicle speed, length and the gap between vehicles. Storing information at this level makes data manipulation very flexible. In addition ...

Mobile Network Data in Transport Planning

India is home to 1.19 billion mobile phone subscribers. Every phone is constantly searching for a mobile cell tower and thereby generating events. These events are sent to the network to inform the location of the mobile phone not only when they are moving but also when stationary. So, the volume of event data that India generates is just enormous. ...

Data for a Connected World in Motion

Visiting India throughout my life has given me an opportunity to see amazing transformations, especially over the last ten to fifteen years. Every visit allows me to see infrastructure improvements, new investments in mobility and increased connectivity. Connectivity is increasing around the world and by some estimates, we will have more than 200 billion internet-connected devices by 2020. As a ...

Smart Systems for Railways

Confusing Signals The rail industry is experiencing mixed fortunes globally. Mainline passenger traffic has grown rapidly in Asia and South & Central America, but fallen significantly in the Former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, Africa and the Middle East, according to a report by German transportation consultants SCI Verkehr in 2017. Railway operators are adopting digital technologies rapidly as they fight ...

Revamping of Indian Transport Sector

Urban areas and regional transportation play a catalysing role in economic growth of the Country. The Government of India and respective urban local bodies have designed its policies, programs and projects towards improving the liveability of its citizens in urban India and enhancing the efficiency of regional transportation of people and goods through leveraging the technological advancements. Over the last ...

Facilitating alignment of technology with businesses

CMS is fully geared to transform its clients to do digital business… With a strong focus on innovation, we build cutting edge products and services and integrate the same with heterogeneous technologies helping CIO’s, CxO’s and City administrators align technology with their business. This makes us a very flexible organisation, seamlessly helping clients across complexities of traditional infrastructure, digital infrastructure ...

Challenges to manage mobility as a service in a sustainable manner

Vincent Bourquin, Professor at the School of Engineering and Architecture of Fribourg Switzerland, member of University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland writes that while technology has certainly helped to provide information content directly to the smartphones of users, enriching their travel experience, it did not exactly offer the necessary degrees of freedom to address the sustainability issues Worldwide, we ...

iMove Project in Europe

Following recent mega-trends in the mobile and sharing economy, and thanks to the latest ITS developments, Mobility as a Service schemes are seen as the way citizens will use to move themselves and their goods in the future. Jaspal Singh, Head, UITP India writes on iMove project, funded by the European Commission within the H2020 framework, that aims to accelerate ...