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Sustainable Transport Saves Lives: A Case for Investing in Safety of Public Bus Fleets

Inducing a modal shift from private transport to public buses will reduce road traffic deaths in India. In cities such as Bangalore and Mumbai, the city bus agencies – Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) and Brihanmumbai Electric Supply and Transport (BEST) respectively – account for 20-32 percent of the mode share, but were involved in only 5-13 percent of the ...

AI: Transforming the Transportation Ecosystem

AI is any behaviour that is apparently intelligent carried out by machines rather than the kinds of natural intelligence. Forms of problem solving and even ‘learning’ in a sense are often considered artificial intelligence. Examples of successful AI include machines that can understand human speech, drive cars etc. AI: Optimizing Infrastructure for Cities The concept of artificial intelligence goes all ...

Sensing for Safety

Today, almost every Indian megacity is experiencing traffic congestion and its subsequent problems. Ever increasing transportation needs of the exploding urban population cannot be met perpetually as the available land mass does not change. Thus, the need of the hour is to reshape the transportation networks and infrastructure available in Indian cities. Introduction of Intelligent Transportation Networks offer a viable ...

Concerted solutions

With rising population density, the world’s megacities are facing ever more complex problems. This is precisely why they are also the best places for the concerted development of smart solutions for the city of the future. One example is the new Smart City Digital Hub at Hong Kong Science Park, where Mobility is one of the focus topics. The key ...

Traffic Management as a Service

Traffic Management as a Service – TMaaS is a new concept which applies the latest ideas and technology to traffic management infrastructure, with a wide range of different application modules managed by experts TMaaS is based on flexible deployment options tailored to individual customer requirements. Using browserbased user interfaces with easy workflows, the solution is ideally suited to the modern ...

Rajdeep Info Techno
Offering advanced solutions for Traffic Monitoring

As the Highways continue to develop, the scale of traffic monitoring operations has also grown. The data collected through monitoring equipment needs reliable system backbone With the development of new technologies like Hybrid ETC (Fast Tag), MSWIM, Video Incident Detection, ANPR, etc and deployment of these in toll plazas have brought in better reliability in toll management system. Induction of ...

Emerging trends in Premise Security

Security threats can be addressed more effectively by adopting advanced technologies and standard industry practices says Vivekanand, Lead Software Engineer- Vehant Technologies In today’s world, security has become a major concern for everybody. Places of importance/mass gathering like railway stations, airports, government offices, IT Parks, residential societies etc. are prime targets for terrorist attacks. Securing premises involves thorough checking of ...

“We expect to be a leading player in Smart Parking solutions & Toll Collection”

Arya Toll Infra Ltd, part of Arya Group, is an existing player in the User Fee (Toll) Collection Business and has undertaken India’s first and biggest contract of Smart Parking (Operation and Management) with Municipal Corporation of Chandigarh. Inspired by the success tasted in the initial years of business, the company now aims higher on its focus on the above ...


MetroCount’s RoadPod VL works smoothly both out-of-box or when connected to pre-installed loops. Due to their modular design, these counters have no limitation on the number of lanes of traffic that can be monitored. They record detailed data, such as individual vehicle speed, length and the gap between vehicles. Storing information at this level makes data manipulation very flexible. In addition ...

Mobile Network Data in Transport Planning

India is home to 1.19 billion mobile phone subscribers. Every phone is constantly searching for a mobile cell tower and thereby generating events. These events are sent to the network to inform the location of the mobile phone not only when they are moving but also when stationary. So, the volume of event data that India generates is just enormous. ...