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Surat Bus Terminal to have plazas, gardens

Surat might soon have a bus terminal that will have plazas, terraces, courtyards, gardens and public facilities. The proposal of such a mixed design has been given by Space Matrix Design Consultants who are the consultants for the project. The agency’s concept has the terminal on a raised ground plane that will extend to the bund and the river. The terminal would also be a city park which could be used by the passengers as well as the residents of the city. This concept of a transport facility doubling up as a congregation space is new as usually bus terminals and railway stations are dissociated from their urban surroundings as they are complex facilities that require huge infrastructure themselves. They are normally kept as transiting amenities only. Hence, the proposed Surat terminal will open up avenues for transportation facilities to be clubbed with relaxing and unwinding facilities and widen its horizons. The terminal, to be built on a five acre plot next to Tapi river with a nine metre high bund on the eastern side to protect it from floods, is expected to be completed in 18 months.


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