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Monday , 22 July 2024

Tag Archives: Transport Facility

Is Equitable Transport Facility for Mumbai Possible?

Will Metro Plan really address the Mobility issues of Mumbai even after huge investment in Mumbai Metro? What about the hardship citizens will have to undergo during long construction phase? Will commuting in Mumbai ever be safe and comfortable leave aside pleasurable? Sudhir Badami questions Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) is about 460 square kilometer in size while the ...

Surat Bus Terminal to have plazas, gardens

Surat might soon have a bus terminal that will have plazas, terraces, courtyards, gardens and public facilities. The proposal of such a mixed design has been given by Space Matrix Design Consultants who are the consultants for the project. The agency’s concept has the terminal on a raised ground plane that will extend to the bund and the river. The ...