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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Safety & Security

FACE FORWARD: The Future of Facial Recognition

Smart roads’ or ‘Smart highways’ has managed to gain ground in the developed world that are intended to be both interactive and largely self-powering. The concept holds tremendous potential for India considering its road network being the second largest in the world and continues to be the most important means of transport. This large road asset can be leveraged for ...

“Integrated Security Solutions help save time and money while implementing projects”

Ashish P Dhakan, MD & CEO of Prama Hikvision India Pvt. Ltd., says that his company is a ‘one-stop-solution’ provider for surveillance and security based product requirements. He feels that when various components are provided by different vendors, integrating them as a solution becomes a challenge. What are the key solutions offered by your company? According to IHS, Hikvision is ...

Traffic data collection and road safety

Harpeet Singh, Managing Partner of AJS Scale International says his company does not face any problem integrating its traffic and parking products as it has associates that solve all the integration related challenges What are the key solutions offered by your company? Most of the ITS products being used in India have been introduced by us over time since 1989 ...

New technology to improve speed enforcement

Laser Technology offers a wide range of laser-based products for law enforcement agencies. Laser Technology Inc (LTI) revolutionized traffic enforcement with the introduction of the very first laser speed device. This was a major breakthrough because it enabled law enforcement to pinpoint an individual vehicle in dense traffic and gave them a tool unaffected by radar detectors. Lidar, which stands ...

Driving License & Vehicle Registration

The Motor Vehicles Act, 1988 is the principal Act for regulating all the activities related to Motor Vehicles in the country. It has been amended four times i.e. in the year 1994,2000, 2001 and 2015 to adapt it to the technological upgradation emerging in road transport, passenger, freight movement and in motor vehicle management. Many provisions of the Act either have ...

National Transport Project – VAHAN, SARATHI, eCHALLAN, mPARIVAHAN

Transport Mission Mode Project – through its flagship applications ‘Vahan’ (for Vehicle Registration, Taxation, Permit, fitness and allied services) and ‘Sarathi’ (for Driving License related services) – has achieved 100% automation of 1100+ RTOs all across the country. JoyDeep Shome, Senior Technical Director, National Information Centre gives more details. The project – driven and funded by Ministry of Road Transport ...


Studies of the relationship between gross domestic product (GDP) per capita, growth of motor vehicles and road fatalities, have shown that fatality rates increase as GDP increases at relatively low levels of GDP per capita, but then start to decline with continued GDP growth. National estimates have illustrated that road traffic crashes cost countries more than 1-3% of their gross ...

Transforming Infrastructure through Advocacy

How a voluntary group in Bangalore is pushing for change while shunning the limelight Praja.in is a community of part time volunteers who brainstorm, blog and promote advocacy of various urban transformation initiatives. Ravi Chandran of TrafficInfraTech spoke with the core members to understand their journey During the period spanning late 2005 and early 2006, Pranav Jha, a successful professional, ...

Metal Crash Barriers

G R Infraprojects limited is a leading manufacturer of world class Metal Crash Barrier. It has its Manufacturing & Galvanizing Plant in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. The company believes in the latest technologies invented, implemented and used worldwide. The manufacturing plant produces quality conscious material for road safety and construction companies with state of the art technology resources. The plant has a ...

An investment in Traffic Safety

In modern infrastructure, road markings are a fundamental contributor to road safety and driver comfort. Markings that are well-designed, accurately applied and durable,  help people get to where they want to go faster as well as safer! To actually lower the n u m b e r of traffic accidents, road markings are one of the key tools to improve ...