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Saturday , 20 July 2024


ITS World Congress concludes at Detroit

The 21st World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems(September 7-11) in Detroit had participation from thousands of delegates from more over 65 countries showcasing the latest developments in all aspects of high-tech transportation. “We are on the cusp of an incredible transformation in the way we get around from Connected Vehicles that reduce the possibility of a crash to vehicles that ...

Managing Hyderabad Traffic

Hyderabad’s vehicle density of 720 vehicles / km is the second largest in the country. When the Hyderabad police and Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation decided to replace the 20-year-old standalone signals in 2011-2012, Bharat Electronics Limited won the contract to install automated and centrally controlled signals in 221 junction (180 existing + 41 new) in a phased manner. The scope ...

Amritsar BRTS planned

Punjab Infrastructure Development Board (PIDB) has planned a bus rapid transit system for Amritsar covering a 30km route with a fleet of 55 state-of-the-art AC buses. The Union Ministry of Urban Development has approved the purchase of 50 buses for the project and work has already begun for construction of elevated roads. The first phase of the project will be ...

Avery Dennison at Intertraffic Reflective Solutions

At Intertraffic, Amsterdam, in March this year, Avery Dennison showcased its new all-in-one digital printing solution for traffic signs, the Avery Dennison TrafficJet™ Print System. In addition, Avery Dennison featured its full spectrum of high quality omni-directional sheeting. A demonstration area highlighting how quickly Avery Dennison reflective films can be converted was very popular. The TrafficJet Print System is simple, ...

Intelligent traffic system gives-transparency in vehicular traffic system

Orderly traffic management system catches our eye whenever we visit the developed countries. However, in India, haphazard traffic movement is the order of the day even in the metropolitan cities, let alone the smaller cities or moffusil towns. More than the traffic management, India has the dubious distinction of being the nation where most of the traffic related fatalities happen. ...

Integrated Control Centre for Metros

What happens when a metro railway system is approved? Consider a case where a metro has three isolated lines ? Line 1, Line 2 and Line 3. The metro follows a distributed management and operational model with each line having its own signalling system. The three lines have different control centres and they operate in different manners. After approval, the ...

ITS Architecture can ensure sustainability

It defines ?what? must be done; not ?how? it will be done What is an ITS architecture? To know this, let us first try to understand the term architecture. We all know that ?architecture? is a framework within which a system can be built up. Functionally, it defines what the elements of the system do, the information that is exchanged ...

ANPR is a very useful tool in traffic management,enforcement,tolling and security

Information plays a major role of traffic management. I would like to share one of the technologies ? Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) that helps to get a lot of information. In Delhi, the traffic condition is chaotic. As traffic congestion causes a huge loss financially. it is important to improve the traffic management system. ANPR can help to ensure ...

Getting ITS to work for you

If we ask the question what ITS is to three people in this expo, it is that there would be three different answers. Is it tracking buses through GPS? The answer would be, Yes, it is. Is Traffic signalling ITS? Yes. It is. Is Tolling system ITS? Yes. It is. Control rooms? They are also ITS. So how do you ...