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Saturday , 20 July 2024


Emerging Technologies in Transport

IoT technologies are germane to transport in India and can help in alleviating some of the problems that are present on Indian roads including traffic congestion and increasing accidents & fatalities. Dibyendu Sengupta, Transport Sector Specialist, European Business and Technology Centre talks about the use of the internet in transport. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) are applications of ICT (Information and ...

Need for Standards and Uniformity

Balraj Bhanot, Management Consultant, Chairman TEDC (BIS), Former Director ARAI and Chairman CMVR-TSC writes on the need for standardization in ITS technology Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) is a wide field, and today, there is no single ownership to the subject in the country. The subject of ITS cuts across various ministries of the government like Transportation, Communication, Railways, Civil Aviation, ...

A new generation of ITS

Tecsidel proudly introduces the ITSmartView, a new generation of Tecsidel ITS+ Software for Urban, Interurban and Tunnel management System. ITS+ is a traffic management system that covers the monitoring, control and traffic management through integration with devices and systems installed on the road. The system provides the concessionaire follow-up activities of the conditions of traffic and attention to emergency situations ...

On the Urban Traffic Environment

As the world became urbanized, cities, and the movement of people and goods within them, are more critical to the future of citizens and national, regional and urban economies. Often traffic congestion rises with urbanization and dampens prosperity by slowing citizens’ movement, wasting their time and resources, and obstructing municipal services such as public safety and maintenance. Traffic congestion in the United States in 2009, for instance, cost commuters 4.8 billion ...

Automated Fare Collection System for Public Transport

A broad portfolio of Mikroelektronika, a leading Czech company’s products allows for the creation of fare collection systems that suit the exact needs of each and every customer depending on the mode of transport, mode of payment, tariff policy and a whole range of other factors. Automated Fare Collection A complex fare collection system, also known as automated fare collection ...

Need for reliable Parking Management System

The implementation of a successful design and controlled parking system is fundamental to the success of the car park operation and property as a whole. Inadequate parking facilities are known to reduce the value of the building, says Arvind Mayar, CEO, Secure Parking Solutions Pvt Ltd. Secure Parking is Australia based international leader in the parking industry with more than ...

Are Variable Message Signs effective?

Variable Message Signs (VMSs), are one of the important ITS devices, which provide real-time traffic information of road network to drivers to optimize traffic safety and efficiency in urban road networks. However, its potential is not fully understood in India. TrafficInfraTech finds out what are its major challenges… A Variable Message Sign, often abbreviated as VMS is an electronic traffic ...

Smart Traffic Management With Real Time Data Analysis

Smart Cities – a buzzword that has become a must ingredient in all our talks and discussions when we refer to how technology can be used for more productive gains. Over the last decade, the adoption and use of technologies like Mobility, Cloud and Social Platforms, commonly referred to as SoCoMo, has made it possible for common, middle class users ...

Rosmerta Technologies:Providing Smart Transportation Solutions

Rosmerta Technologies is a र100 million group that has established itself in transport solutions and e-governance. Rosmerta Group has highest number of client base in India for High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) supply and fixation. The company has successfully implemented varied projects across 13 states in India. It has an experience of over seven years in executing Smart Card Projects, ...

Ahmedabad to get Intelligent Traffic System by October

Come October, the 132 feet road in Ahmedabad will see the pilot Intelligent Transport System (ITS) project for a cost of about $1 million. Zero-Sum ITS, a traffic management firm, has formed a consortium with Nagoya Electric Works Ltd (with funding from Japan International Corporation Agency) (JICA) for implementing the pilot ITS (comprising of four VMS boards and 14 Cameras) ...