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Sunday , 8 September 2024

A good networking platform

We are primarily into ATMS and Speed Violation Detection System. We are happy to participate and connect with the fellow-participants who are into similar business. We are glad to have delegates from MoRTH and Infra companies like GMR who were very pleased with our offers. We could also strike relationship with certain vendors.

Amit Gupta
Trafiksol ITS Technologies Pvt Ltd

It has always been a pleasant experience and we interacted with a lot of potential clients. Like the previous shows, this one also turned out to be excellent with useful connects. We are glad that there were visitors from Highway sector, Smart Cities and Police. We hope to participate in the future editions too.

Rajesh Krishnan
ITS Planners & Engineers

We are participating in this Show for the fourth year in the row. This is a fabulous platform for the system integrators to showcase their capabilities to the market. We have showcased our technologies on Toll Management Systems, Advanced Traffic Management Systems and Tunnel Management System. We witnessed many top delegates like the Secretary, MoRTH and other industry veterans who were very impressed with our technologies.

Manish Hissaria
Qualix Information System LLP

This is the first time we are participating in this Expo; the experience has been very good. We got enquiries from the government authorities, Municipal Corporations, PWDs and even Consultants; we are hoping to receive positive feedback from the delegates who showed interest in our product range.

Paras Parekh
Prima Plastics Ltd

Pune-based Frugal Innovations is into manufacturing and setting-up of charging infrastructure. As far as innovative products are concerned, we are looking at the market where we can provide electric-operated range-extenders for cars. Some of the notable visitors who visited the stalls who got insights of our products showed interest in implementing the solutions for Smart Cities and Charging Infrastructure. We see TrafficInfraTech Expo is a good networking platform.

Mahesh Kulkarni
Frugal Innovations

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