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Translink Infrastructure Consultants Pvt. Ltd

Heavy Weight Deflectometer

The civil infrastructure and constructing firm Translink Infrastructure Consultants Pvt Ltd has procured Heavy Weight Deflectometer with a loading range of 30-320Kn. This enables it to simulate even the most extreme aircraft wheel load such as the Boeing 777, the Airbus 340 or 380 and can simulate loading condition of routine commercial vehicle on highways. The HWD is highly versatile and can be used to test on both rigid, paver block and flexible pavements used on roads and airports. It meets all HWD standards worldwide including IRC 115-2014 & IRC 117-2015.

Key Economic Benefits

• Dynamic loading enables mechanistic-empirical analysis of the pavement layers and the determination of optimum rehabilitation strategies
• Automated and rapid structural pavement testing
• Determines the layer of failure, rather than determining simply the bearing capacity
• QA/QC of newly built pavements
• Compares a range of rehabilitation options, including plane off and recycling rather than just applying overlays

Key Engineering Benefits

• Provides accurate, reproducible and repeatable data
• The automated load or deflection sensing ensures consistent data
• Automated and real-time monitoring of load cell, geophones and data variations ensures high quality of collected data
• Uses mechanistic analysis allowing testing of most pavement structures
• It is used worldwide from the hottest & driest deserts, humid tropics and the cooler polar regions

Applications include

Pavement rehabilitation & overlay design, PCC joint sealing evaluation, pavement management systems, load transfer efficiency, void detection, spring load restrictions, utility cuts, experimental paving materials and project acceptance & evaluation.

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