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Monday , 22 July 2024


India Powering Growth Through Infrastructure Development

In its 77th year of independence, India, today, is at the cusp of greater economic ascent. As a result, the economy has leapfrogged from the world’s tenth largest economy (2014) to the fifth largest. Further, with this impressive growth expected to continue, India is poised to become the third largest economy by 2027, and a developed nation by 2047, marking ...

Road Maintenance: Integrating Global Machinery and Strategies

Efficient transportation system, besides leading to the fast economic growth, helps any region in establishing the basic infrastructure facilities for all round development activities. The road network usually has an asset value that represents a significant proportion of national wealth. It is, therefore, important and appropriate that this asset is managed in a scientific manner. Dr. Siksha Swaroopa Kar, Principal ...

Future of Predictive Technologies used for Road Maintenance: Global and Indian Perspective

In recent years, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in road management and maintenance has marked a significant leap forward in optimizing transportation infrastructure. These advancements have introduced innovative solutions to enhance road safety, improve traffic flow, and reduce maintenance costs. Amit Kar, Head Technology & Solutions – Global Services Business, Sterlite Technologies Limited throws light on the future ...

Navigating the Crossroads: Balancing Innovation and Stability in Traffic Management Technologies

In the fast-paced world of transportation infrastructure, the question of whether to overhaul mature, functioning systems with untested, cutting-edge technologies sparks intense debate. This critical discussion took center stage during a recent panel featuring influential industry leaders in the domain of automated traffic monitoring systems. The panelists Vivek Jaiswal, COO, Indian Highway Management Company Limited–IHMCL; Sandeep Pawar, MD & CEO, ...

New Mobility with next generation Parking

In a rapidly growing economy where mobility stands at the epicenter of the driving mechanism, it is impertinent that relevant stakeholders join together to swiftly find scalable, affordable and adaptable parking solutions. As part of the Smart Mobility conference, the panelists discussed various advancements in the realm of parking and its associated technology solutions, all in relation with growing demand ...

”Revolutionizing Traffic Management in India: The Role of Technology”

The management of traffic in India has long been a challenging task due to its densely populated cities, diverse traffic conditions, and road infrastructure. However, as the world embraces technological advancements, India is no exception in adopting innovative solutions to address these challenges. At the session on “Emerging Technologies for Traffic Management”, as part of the Smart Mobility Conference 2023, ...

Multiple discussions; A bundle of takeaways

Conference sessions have always been the highlight of TrafficInfraTech Expo. The areas chosen, the issues discussed are in tune with the recent developments in the mobility space- Infrastructure, technology, or policies. The conference this time too covered topics right from sustainable construction, new age parking, emerging technologies for Road safety, security and tolling to ITS development in India and V2X ...

India Powering Growth Through Infrastructure Development: Vision 2030 and Beyond

While various policy levers and conditions are expected to drive unprecedented economic boom in the lives of over 1.4 billion people, the significant growth in infrastructure in recent times has been a key propeller in the development of the country, writes Karan Sethi, Senior Assistant Vice President, Invest India. In its 77th year of independence, India, today, is at the ...

Gender Inclusive Mobility

If we go by this year’s theme of International Women’s day promoting equity, then that is something we need to work on to create an inclusive workforce in the traffic/transport segment. Not that there are not enough opportunities or openings, it is just that enough efforts are not made to create awareness about the career paths that can be worked ...

Gender focused sustainable transport

A lot needs to be done to improve bus transportation for women and create a safe, reliable, accessible and affordable travel journey, states Sonal Shah, expert on Sustainable and Gender Equitable Transport. You have been contributing to quality in mobility and public transport especially for women. What have been the prime drivers in this transition? My journey with gender and ...