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Thursday , 25 July 2024

Water Transport

Inland Waterways Authority of India – Creating capacity for large scale water navigation

The Union government has drawn up an ambitious `25,000-crore plan to create a national waterway grid linking Ganga, Brahmputra, Mahanadi and Godavari rivers, giving an in-principle clearance to the eight-year project. In an exclusive interview with TrafficInfraTech, Pravir Pandey, Member (Finance), Inland Waterways Authority of India (IWAI) and Project Director, Jal Marg Vikas Project speaks about the challenges facing development ...

Inland Water Transportation

Since ancient times, inland water transport has played a major role in moving goods and commodities from production sources to consumption destinations. The author takes a look at the potential of IWT in the country and recent developments. Water is a source of life! Waterways are corridors of economic growth. History shows that waterways created and sustained great civilisations: Indus ...