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Transition – world’s first flying car completes first test flight

Transition – the first flying car being developed by US-based Terrafugia Inc – has undergone its inaugural test flight. The test saw the car flying for eight minutes at an altitude of about 1,400 feet. The car can run 70mph on the road while in the air it can fly at 115mph. The car, which runs on normal automotive fuel, has a 23-gallon tank, and consumes about five gallons per hour in the air while on the road it averages about 35 miles per gallon. The US federal government has allowed Terrafugia to use lighter tyres and special glass which have made the vehicle lighter. The weight of the vehicle has further reduced by about six pounds, thanks to the government’s decision to allow the company to make the vehicle without electronic stability control. Car owners would need to be trained in basic flying skills and complete 20 hours of flying time to be able to fly the vehicle. The Transition is expected to cost around $279,000 when it hits the market some time this year. Prospective owners have paid a deposit of $10,000 for booking the flying car.

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