Shamik Joshi, Head- Products & Technology, Amnex.
ATCS helps reduce travel time, congestion, cost of commuting, and carbon emission alongside creating safer roads for the commuters,” writes Shamik Joshi, Head- Products & Technology, Amnex.
Apart from the blooming environment, empty roads were one of the rare pleasant outcomes of the pandemic-induced lockdown, creating a “dream ride” experience for commuters. However, with the process of ‘unlocking’ and accelerated vaccination drive, life has returned to normalcy, and the roads are again congested with traffic. As per the TomTom traffic index report 2021, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Delhi are among the world’s top 10 traffic-congested cities. With advanced technology at our disposal, there is always an effective solution to the problems we face in our day-to-day life.
The future is not far when the vehicles will be ‘talking’ to each other, all thanks to Internet of Things advances. With the advent of 5G networks, the connected vehicle technology is going to be commonplace. The future of technology envisages vehicles connected to a city’s network, capable of finding parking, locating places and avoiding areas with construction or congestion on their own. In such exciting times, it is equally important to ramp up the current traffic signal system to match the pace of developments happening in the transportation industry.
Syncnex, offers a perfect solution to overcome the limitations of the present traffic control system. The company has delivered products such as Locomate- an integrated intelligent platform to enhance multi-modal transit management, Xup- a versatile automatic payment collection system that makes end-to-end payment process fast and easy, RapidGo- a journey planning application that enhances commuter’s travel experience, Spotlock- a system that uses multiple technologies to simplify parking management, and Syncnex- an adaptive traffic management solution that increases the level of service of any intersection across the city and reduces city-wide traffic.
Syncnex, an Adaptive Traffic Control System (ATCS) enables traffic operators to reduce traffic congestion, and control traffic seamlessly. The product’s hardware such as cameras and radars communicate with its intelligent software that acts as the brain of the solution. Calculating adaptive parameters for junctions in real-time, it provides solutions for managing corridors by setting up signal timings as per the current requirement. The process is done in a decentralized manner. However, when aggregated with the whole network, it helps reduce travel time, congestion, cost of commuting, and carbon emission considerably alongside creating safer roads for the commuters. Syncnex helps overcome the limitations of traditional traffic signals that are timed on the basis of sample surveys carried out over a few important junctions.
The product is designed by leveraging Edge Analytics. Applying advanced computation techniques, it enables traffic operators to process video streams, and count and classify vehicular flow. What sets Syncnex apart as an ATCS solution is near real-time data computation and scalability that help distribute workload across the junctions. Specifically designed to suit the requirements of the Indian traffic system, Syncnex can operate as an integrated or a standalone unit. It is also capable of forecasting future traffic conditions and further equip authorities with necessary decision support tools. In case of an incident, it provides real-time details of the situation, enabling authorities to take quick actions.
Amnex’s futuristic approach towards global optimization of traffic lights enables commuters to drive through congestion-free corridors, saving a lot of time, making the journey way smoother. Gandhinagar, the capital city of Gujarat is already reaping the benefits of implemented ATCS- the number of incidents has significantly reduced, commuters are voluntarily driving in lanes and abiding by the traffic rules, and there are hardly any congested crossroads.