What role are technologies going to play in the maintenance of roads and highways constructed by the NHAI? I get mails and complaints from people regarding the poor operations and maintenance of certain stretches of highways which we have constructed. As long as we go with the traditional system of O & M, the Project Development Officer has to visit ...
Tag Archives: MoRTH
MoRTH invites bids again for electric cars for its officers
The Ministry for Road Transport and Highways has invited online bids again for hiring electric cars for its officers. As against its tender last year which asked for electric cars that could run at least 150km at a stretch, the latest tender asks for those that can run for 100km at a stretch. If the Ministry decides to give an ...
MoRTH signs MoU to set up CATTS
The Road Ministry, through the Indian Academy of Highway Engineers and University of New South Wales, recently signed a MOU to set up a Centre for Advanced Transportation Technology and Systems. CATTS, in this smart transportation project, has three-pronged work cut out for itself: Accelerate the evaluation and adoption of new transportation technologies and explore market opportunities for them in ...
National Transport Project – VAHAN, SARATHI, eCHALLAN, mPARIVAHAN
Transport Mission Mode Project – through its flagship applications ‘Vahan’ (for Vehicle Registration, Taxation, Permit, fitness and allied services) and ‘Sarathi’ (for Driving License related services) – has achieved 100% automation of 1100+ RTOs all across the country. JoyDeep Shome, Senior Technical Director, National Information Centre gives more details. The project – driven and funded by Ministry of Road Transport ...
“Products and technologies showcased can help enforcement substantially”
Sanjay Mitra, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) mesmerized the delegates with his Chief Guest’s address on the inaugural day at the seminar that discussed Smart Roads and Highways. Reason? He spoke straight from heart. He made many announcements too. Read on. The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways (MoRTH) is going to throw up many business opportunities. ...
Smart Tolling for Indian highways
The toll operations in India till now were mainly manual but, the fast growing traffic volume on the highway network across the country necessitated the introduction of Electronic Toll Collection (ETC). Going a step further, the government has the goal of nationwide ETC interoperability. Sapna Srivastava reports Tolling in India differs from the practices in other countries in many ways. ...
MoRTH to conduct periodic traffic studies
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) will soon begin periodic traffic studies in about 1,600 places in the country to better plan the expansion of highways. The first traffic study is planned in October this year and would be repeated every six months. The studies would give accurate traffic data on different highway stretches that would indicate a ...
MoRTH organizes Road Safety Cyclothon
The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways in collaboration with Delhi Police and the International Road Federation recently organized the Road Safety cyclothon to highlight the importance of using cycle reflectors by involving civil society, youth and others. The cyclothon was attended by over 1000 cyclists including children, retired army personnel, school & college student, cancer survivors, visually challenged and ...
Urban Bus Specifications
With BRTS and the Government’s emphasis on detrailing in specifications for buses, the perception for bus based transport system has changed in India The National Urban Transport Policy has encouraged public transport with technologies focussed on bus based systems. It launched many initiatives in this regard: Urban Bus Specifications (UBS)-II, Model Detailed Project Report, Model Purchase Document and Model Operators ...
Road Safety Week
India has reported the highest number of road accident fatalists in the world. As per the directive from the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, National Road Safety Week was observed all over India from January 11-17. The 25th Road safety week saw States/UTS/NGOs and other stakeholders/agencies involved in road safety undertake various activities aimed at promoting road safety. The ...