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Saturday , 27 July 2024

Tag Archives: Enforcement

Twin Approaches to Safety

  A strong-willed, hands-on approach along with technology goes a long way to enforce discipline on roads to reduce accidents and fatalities and improve safety. The panelists for the session on Emerging Technologies for Road Safety and Enforcement Challenges at the Smart Mobility Conference held in October, Ashish Srivastava, Additional Secretary IT and Science & Technology, Uttarakhand Government; Akhilesh Srivastava, ...

Fusion of Korean Technology and Indian Expertise

In a strategic collaboration with Microtrans, a leading provider of urban traffic control equipment and signal monitoring & management systems, Korean technology provider Rexgen’s entry into the Indian market aims to address the country’s traffic management challenges and contribute to developing efficient transportation systems. Jeff JUN, Overseas Sales Director, RexGen Co Ltd talks to Trafficinfratech. Microtrans is known for manufacturing ...

Road safety Solutions from Traffic Logix India

India’s roads have long been plagued by a devastating number of accidents;  however, with the advent of innovative road safety solutions, there is hope for a safer future. Traffic Logix India, explores the multi-layered approach adopted by the Company to address the epidemic of traffic deaths in Indian cities. By leveraging data solutions, raising awareness through radar signs, and implementing ...