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Wednesday , 24 July 2024

Tag Archives: CCTV cameras

Revolutionizing Road Safety in India with Advanced Technology

India’s road safety landscape has been a cause for concern for decades, with a high rate of accidents and fatalities. However, advancements in technology offer a glimmer of hope to address this pressing issue. In this blog post, we will explore how advanced technology can transform the future of road safety in India. 1. Smart Traffic Management: AI-Powered Traffic Management: ...

Growing demand for surveillance solutions

Sparsh is a leading Indian brand of CCTV cameras and electronic security solutions in India. Over the last two decades it has redefined Indian electronic security manufacturing in India. Sanjeev Sehgal, MD & Founder, Sparsh Securitech gives details of the Solutions offered. Sparsh has been developing a complete range of Video surveillance products for many years. How has the market ...

Including Provisions for new technology in road contracts

Sudhir R Hoshing Road Safety Solution/Technology is having prime role in safety aspects of the Road Infrastructure considering the fatal accidents in our country every year. Sudhir R Hoshing, Joint Managing Director – IRB Infrastructure Developers Limited emphasises on the need to have an effective collaboration between Infrastructure developers and technology providers to optimise road safety. Globally, new technological options ...

Improving Road Safety Infrastructure

What makes a journey safe? Better drivers or better roads? While we agree that India’s road safety record needs to improve, how are we going to go about it remains a matter of debate. Indian cities are trying to be smart and safe with the use of Video Surveillance and Advanced Traffic Management Systems. TrafficInfraTech spoke to Smart City CEOs, ...

Future Mobility in India Connected, Intelligent, Safe…

SecondlyMobility is a key driver of the economy. Better mobility reduces the burden of travel & transportation and can boost economic growth. With car sharing, high capacity public transit, high speed rails, electric vehicles etc the mobility landscape could look very different in the coming years says Preeti Swaminathan. The future of mobility is going to be integrated and multimodal. ...

ITMS in Nashik

Nashik Municipal Corporation has planned to run the ITMS through a private IT firm to make the bus service more effective. The civic body held a pre-bid in October. Around 25 IT firms have expressed interest in running the Intelligent Transport Management System for the city bus service. It is also learnt that the Nashik Municipal Corporation is in the ...

Due to ITMS a sense of order is developing on the Indian roads’

What are the various opportunities for surveillance players in the Smart Cities Mission? Given India’s burgeoning urban population and the limited infrastructure, smart cities utilise technology to improve the quality of life for citizens. Surveillance is one of the key features in the success of any smart city. ‘Smartness’ of a city lies in information gathering, storing, distribution and its ...

The Third Eye: Managing the Traffic

We envisage our smart cities to be places where everything is automated through technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), cloud, Big Data and analytics. However, one of the key components is surveillance — 24/7 round the clock monitoring of citizens and traffic. Integrated Traffic Management System in Maharashtra The Maharashtra government, in a serious bid to improve traffic movement and ...

ITMS to Solve Mumbai’s Traffic Woes

The Maharashtra state cabinet recently approved Rs 891Cr to implement Intelligent Traffic Management System project to streamline vehicular movement on the metropolis’ roads. TrafficInfraTech looks at the project, its implementation and, how the system will benefit the maximum city. The Traffic Index 2018 published by Amsterdambased location technology specialist TomTom recently ranked Mumbai as the most traffic-congested city in the ...

Tackling Traffic Tantrums

Modern traffic management is a highly evolved science. For decades, the ever-burgeoning complexities of city traffic have challenged planners and policymakers to find yet smarter ways for both its macro and micromanagement. Rohan Ambike spoke to various Smart City CEOs and finds out why systemic improvements to traffic management are the only answer to resolving the serious threat to the ...