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Tackling Traffic Tantrums

Modern traffic management is a highly evolved science. For decades, the ever-burgeoning complexities of city traffic have challenged planners and policymakers to find yet smarter ways for both its macro and micromanagement. Rohan Ambike spoke to various Smart City CEOs and finds out why systemic improvements to traffic management are the only answer to resolving the serious threat to the urban society’s dependence on transportation.

India’s biggest cities are subjected to traffic congestion every day, and the commuters are bearing the burden. Take a look at how the following cities are mitigating the ever-growing traffic menace.

Chennai’s ITMS

Chennai’s ITMS Chennai has created solutions for smart and unified governance for easier and efficient decision making. Its Intelligent Traffic Management System project has two sub-systems—Intelligent Traffic Management and Intelligent Transport Management. According to Raj Cherubal, CEO, Chennai Smart City Ltd, ITMS will control traffic through adaptive systems, which include configuration of the traffic signal at each junction. Besides, ITMS will develop a signal control plan for individual operations and coordinate signal plan for the junction in sync with the areawide signal plan for different operating conditions. Transport Management refers to management of transport (buses) infrastructure by developing an electronic ticketing system, monitoring vehicular movement, passenger information system, fleet management system etc.

Under this project, the Chennai Smart City has carried out the installation of traffic signalling systems at 435 junctions across the city. Also, the retrofitting or installation of vehicle detectors, controllers, traffic light aspects, poles, cantilevers, junction box and other required accessories at specified traffic junctions has been integrated with the Adaptive Traffic control system (ATCS) software application.

The objective of this project to achieve traffic efficiency. It enriches users with prior information about traffic, local convenience real-time running information, seat availability etc. which reduces the travel time of commuters as well as enhance their safety and comfort. According to Cherubal, transport management system has been envisaged for the whole of metropolitan transport corporation’s fleet and depots in a phased manner.

“We are in the process of commencing an ITMS funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency. It will cost Rs 600- 650Cr,” informs Cherubal. According to him, the project will involve area traffic control and monitoring of 350 intersections. However, in the first phase, ITMS will be implemented in 150 junctions along with camera sensing technology. ITMS will also implement ANPR system. In the meantime, the smart city has started tagging all its buses with GPS. The GPS installed buses will help the users with their location and help them arrange their journey.

“In the command and control centre, we have a system integrator – KELTRON. Also, we are going to test the camera for detecting encroachments, waste dumping and other regular tasks carried out by the camera. Testing of all these has just started. The police have set up ANPR based cameras to detect traffic violations and issue challans,” says Cherubal.

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