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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: Cameras

ITS India Forum Working towards new perspective for ITS in India

In collaboration with Trafficinfratech magazine, ITS India Forum conducted a webinar on May 10 to define the outline of various stakeholder Committees’ terms of reference, timelines, key deliverables, and structure and ensure effective communication and collaboration among all the members. More than 15 specialized committees were formed as recommended by the members comprising 100 plus domain experts & policy makers ...

The Rise and Impact of Camera Technologies in Law Enforcement

In the modern era of digital transformation, law enforcement agencies have increasingly turned to advanced technological tools to enhance public safety and enforce laws for the ever-increasing volume of vehicles. Among these tools, enforcement cameras have emerged as pivotal instruments. These devices can reduce the strain put on manual intervention, allowing effective monitoring of traffic and other public areas. Traffic ...

Navigating Urban Dynamics: The Art and Science of Traffic Data Analysis

In the hustle and bustle of urban cities, the flow of traffic is both a necessity and a challenge. As cities grow and populations surge, the need for efficient transportation systems becomes more critical than ever. Explore further into the domain of Traffic Data Analysis, the sophisticated art and science behind understanding, optimizing, and navigating the intricate dynamics of vehicular ...

Prama Hikvision introduces new ColorVu offerings

Prama Hikvision has Introduced new ColorVu offerings for more vivid 24/7 colorful imaging, and has first included 4K and varifocal cameras in the full-color range. Conventional cameras with infrared lighting only provide black and white images for night monitoring. However, Hikvision ColorVu technology resolves this common challenge faced by many security camera users, enabling cameras to produce colorful videos even ...

New Facility by Prama Hikvison

Recently, Prama Hikvision, a leader in video surveillance products and solutions, has inaugurated Rs 500Cr manufacturing facility located at Vasai near Mumbai. With this new facility, the company will cater to a fastexpanding domestic market and the overseas market in a phased manner. The facility was inaugurated by Dr V.K. Saraswat, Member, Niti Aayog and Dr Neeraj Sinha, Advisor, Science ...

Innovative traffic light system

Researchers at the Graz University of Technology in Austria have developed a pedestrian traffic light system that can gauge pedestrians’ intention to cross the road. The system uses cameras and computer algorithms to operate traffic lights. It will be tested on Vienna’s road next year. As soon as the system senses that people are looking to cross the road, it ...

People counting for increased retail success

Counting people who enter malls or stores can help you improve customer experiences and boost your revenues Counting people who enter your mall or store throughout the day can help you to improve your operations in a number of ways. It becomes possible, for example, to precisely increase the number of staff during busy times to improve service on the ...

Intelligent Cameras for Traffic Management

With increased urbanization and increased vehicular traffic, cities everywhere are battling with an inability to build enough infrastructure. While the government has been laying emphasis on building roads, bridges & underpasses and creating alternative modes of mass public transport systems, this may not be enough to address the traffic congestion. Traffic management has always posed a challenge in India and ...

Connected Transportation

Bosch Group, India, showcased its connected products and solutions at the Beyond Mobility 2.0, a biennial  event in November 2018. Bosch provides connected solutions for the nation’s security systems. The country’s population of more than 1.3 billion people is constantly on the move, metro stations and airports are crowded and require smart security solutions with big data analysis to increase ...

AI for anonymous detection of parking space

AI for anonymous detection of parking space

Recently, the topic of parking has become one of the major issues leading to discussions involving multiple stakeholders right from drivers to Smart City planners. One of the most advanced solutions in the market is the parking detection system, i.e. using artificial intelligence to monitor the occupancy of a parking lot in real time, which can effectively help control and ...