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Tuesday , 23 July 2024

Research on dowsing in other countries

Many scientists have been intrigued enough by dowsing’s success to investigate it using scientific models. In 1995, Professor Hans-Dieter Betz, a physicist at the University of Munich, published a paper “Water Dowsing in Arid Regions” in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, published from Stanford University which documented the results of a 10-year-old study funded by the German government to apply water dowsing methods to detect possible water sources in arid regions spread over more than six countries. The study, comprising a team of geological experts, experienced dowsers, and a scientific group headed by Professor Betz, found an astounding success rate of 96 percent in discovering water in about 691 drillings. Betz suggested that dowsers go into a hypersensitive state during which they are able to sense subtle electromagnetic gradients resulting in changes in electrical properties in rock and soil caused by underground fissures and flowing water. John Wilcock, a British researcher, in his 1994 paper, “The use of dowsing for the location of caves, with some results from the first Royal Forest of Dean Caving Symposium” said that dowsers could be detecting an electric field, a magnetic field or an electromagnetic field by an as yet undiscovered mechanism. Tromp in his 1949 paper, “Psychical physics: A scientific analysis of dowsing, radiesthesia and kindred divining phenomena” showed that ECG recordings of many dowsers displayed a 20mV step change when the dowsing rods in their hands moved. Similarly, he documented changes in skin voltage that had been observed in dowsers, indicating a relation between skin resistance and dowsing ability.

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