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Geopathic Stress A Possible Hidden Cause of Accidents!

High rate of accidents on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway has been a major cause for worry for traffic authorities. One of the premier roads of the country, the Expressway witnesses about 90 accidents every month (i.e. three accidents a day). While human error is a major causative factor in these accidents, a question that is worth exploring, but perhaps not asked often, is whether there could be hidden factors at work causing the human errors that prove so costly on the high speed roads. The path-breaking research done by Sunil Pimplikar, Head, Department of Civil Engineering, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, could provide some interesting answers to these questions.

According to Pimplikar, the high-accident spots (black spots) on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway lie in geopathic stress zones which exert a profound debilitating impact on the physiological condition of the drivers. These zones could cause critical errors while driving. ‘Geopathic’ literally means suffering or disease of the earth. Geopathic stress is stress caused by harmful radiation arising from within the earth’s surface. According to geophysicists, there is a natural magnetic field on the earth’s surface to which all beings are acclimatised. Geopathic stress arises when this natural magnetic field of the earth is distorted by weak radiations, lying beyond the electromagnetic spectrum, generated by underground streams of water, sewers, drains, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavities.

Detecting Geopathic Stress

Detection of geopathic stress has been done for many years by unconventional methods such as dowsing or bio-location, unconventional in the sense that these methods do not fall strictly within the purview of modern scientific disciplines such as physics. Nonetheless, dowsing has been used over the millennia for detecting sources of hidden water, minerals and gemstones. Dowsers traditionally used a Y-shaped branch of a tree as dowsing tools. More recently, they began using L-rods. L-rods are metal rods, usually of copper, bent in the shape of an ‘L’ which are used by dowsers to detect underground sources of water. At some point, when a dowser walks over a suspected source of underground water, the L-rods, which would be perfectly parallel in the dowser’s hand till they reach the water source, deflect. This point of deflection indicates that at that particular point of the ground surface, there is an underground water source. According to a scientific explanation of dowsing, this deflection of the rods takes place because the static electric charge on the rods interferes with radiation coming from the water sources underground. The rods get charged because of the electric charge they receive from the dowser’s body. It is well known that all body cells produce electric charge. For example, skin voltage produced by the skin can be measured practically by a voltmeter able to measure small voltages. Research has been done on dowsing in various countries (see box).

Pimplikar, Avinash Kharat, Principal, Sinhagad Academy of Engineering and a few other researchers demonstrated for the first time a procedure to detect geopathic stress by a method testable within physics. This was done in their 2006 paper titled “Detection of Geopathic Stresses Using Light Interference Techniques”. The setup for the Light Interference technique, shown in fig 1, consisted of a rectangular wooden box with a semiconductor diode emitting laser light at one end and a detector in the form of a selenium photo diode connected to a milli-ammeter at the other end. When the setup was placed in a normal location, the milli-ammeter showed a constant current reading. The researchers then moved the experimental setup to a location detected earlier as a high geopathic stress zone by dowsing. It was observed that the current measured registered a sharp fall, stabilising after some time at a constant value, though lower than the value in the stress-free zone. They concluded that radiations emanating from the earth in geopathic stress zones interfered with the light and caused a distinct decrease in current.

Effect on drivers

To investigate the effect of geopathic stress on drivers, Pimplikar conducted tests on drivers on roads which measured their internal body voltages while they were stationery, and while they moved in the stress zone. These stretches of roads were detected as being geopathic zones by dowsing, a fact additionally confirmed by geo-resistivity measurement technique. This technique is a commonly used tool by geologists for identifying patterns of ground terrain and underground water sources, with resistivity readings showing a considerable drop where underground water sources are found. In his tests, Pimplikar found typical stationery body voltages in the range of 5mv while moving voltages were in the range of 405mV – an increase of about eight times. Pimplikar also quoted research by David Cowan and Silk from their book ‘Ancient Energies of the Earth’, where they demonstrate that an eight percent increase in vehicle speed in a geopathic stress zone increases the body voltage up to 100 times. This huge increase in body voltage has detrimental effects on a driver. Vital organs such as the heart and the brain produce electrical potentials in the range of microvolts and millivolts. These processes can be affected by internal body voltages even as low as 20mV. Pimplikar also found considerable changes in the electrical activity of the drivers in a geopathic stress zone such as changes in the ECG pattern, as shown in fig 2 (a and b).

He says, “There is a premature dominant beat of supraventricular origin (of the heart) of the person on the stress zone. There is a decrease in heartbeats by more than 20 per minute within a span of just 10 seconds of the subject entering the stress zone. At stronger points of the stress zone, there is a light pause in the heartbeat.” Pimplikar also found that there was a significant effect of geopathic stress on the blood pressure and pulse rate of the drivers causing appreciable deviation from normal values.

Of remarkable significance is the fact that accident data collected by Pimplikar from highway authorities and police records confirmed that there was indeed a high rate of accidents in the geopathic stress zones which had been marked by dowsing.

Pavements get affected too

In addition to the effect of geopathic stress on drivers, Pimplikar also found evidence of it affecting road pavements. Fig 3 shows severe distress on pavements in geopathic stress zones – found by dowsing and geo-resistivity measurement technique – on the Mumbai-Pune expressway. Again these were high accident spots. An example of a road structure affected by geopathic stress is the bridge at Lonavala on the Mumbai-Pune Expressway 4 (a). As shown in fig.4b, hairline cracks have developed at the bottom of the bridge due to percolation of water through the body of the bridge. Also, as shown in fig 4c, the stone blocks in the central median of the road were lifted up while the side blocks were not. Says Pimplikar, “This is possibly due to the effect of the strong electromagnetic radiations in the stress zone. Due to the linear momentum exerted repeatedly by the electromagnetic waves, the stone blocks in the central median have possibly been displaced.” He estimates that the radiation pressure P by the electromagnetic radiation lies between I/C and 2I/C or I/C P 2I/C where I is the intensity of radiation and C is the speed of light.

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