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Saturday , 27 July 2024


ParkgenieParkGenie, an App based software, can be used to rent out parking space, and bays for Electronic EV-recharging. The software can be used by both professional and private individual (called Partners), and falls into the SaaS category. Partners would use the ParkGenie App to make money from their parking space/EV charging stations, and motorists would use to find parking. The software is divided into two Apps. One for the Partners and one for users.

The app is more than an entry level parking software, and is designed in such a way that additional features can be plugged in easily, in case a client wants to integrate hardware such as boom barriers, payment machines, cameras etc. It uses Google map to pinpoint the parking area/location of the EV Charging stations, and for guiding the motorists to the location.

Payment for parking and EV recharging is prepaid from the user App itself. ParkGenie App is available for both IOS and Android and are free to download.

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