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Medium Speed Weigh in Motion with Bending Plate Technology


Bending Plate Weigh-in-Motion (WIM) System can accurately weigh vehicles at speeds upto 70 km/h.

These systems utilize plates with strain gauges bonded to the underside. The system records the strain measured by strain gauges and calculates the dynamic load.

MSWIM  system is ideal for dynamic vehicle weighing suitable for Indian toll plaza scenario wherein stop & go & free-flow traffic conditions  exist. Bending Plate WIM  is a proven technology which is highly reliable and its durable & ultra slim profile is easier to install with minimal civil work required at the road surface.

The Medium Speed WIM  system has a unique functionality of generating Axle Count, Axle Weight, Axle Speed, Vehicle Weight, as a single system without any dependency on Toll Plaza or similar alibi technologies. 

The features of the structures approved by IIT Chennai include:  Speed Up to 70 km/h;  Accuracy Class 5 OIM;   Minimal hours Installation, Civil Installation & Lane closures and less  preventive maintenance and  mechanical wear & tear.

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