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Improving the quality of Highway journey

Are you keeping pace with the overall plans?

Out of the planned 1000 wayside amenities, 200 have already been awarded, and an additional 200 are currently under the tender stage which are targeted to be awarded by March’24. This indicates that a total of 400 sites will be awarded by that time. Furthermore, we have set a target to award the remaining 600 sites within the next two years, allowing us to complete all the wayside amenities by March 2026.

We offer a development period of 8 to 10 months to the concessioner, by which they are required to complete the project and operationalize it. Once the basic mandatory facilities are made available to road users, the facility is considered operationalized.

Why a WSA is needed every 40 to 60 kms?

Typically, it is found that after traveling for 45 minutes to an hour, commuters seek amenities like rest rooms, eateries etc. While not everyone stops every hour; some may wait for two hours before taking a break. However, after about two to two and a half hours of driving, people generally look for a rest stop. So, with our wayside amenities available, travellers can stop at different sites along their journey. If you see our expressways, exits are typically spaced every 50 to 60 kilometres, connecting one town to another. Therefore, travellers should find facilities conveniently located in between towns also. So, our planning ensures this convenience. Systematic planning is also done while identifying new sites. While developing a new highway, complete feasibility study on the type of locations is conducted for complexes that helps prepare a complete master plan.

Indian Road Congress defines the codes and standards. Proper acceleration and deceleration lanes, along with proper signage indicating exits from the highways to the sites and entrances from the sites to the highways, are provided in accordance with the Indian Road Congress guidelines.

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