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Green Transit Facilities and Benefits

Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has set up the IGBC Green MRTS Steering Committee for developing a rating programme to address environmental performance of new Rail-based Mass Rapid Transit Systems

To increase the share of public transport, many Indian cities are developing world-class Rail based Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS). Currently metro rail system is operational in six Indian cities. Six more cities are developing metros which are at different stages of construction and 15 other cities are planning for metro system.

Against this background, the Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) of CII, with the support of all the stakeholders has launched IGBC Green Mass Rapid Transit System (MRT) Rating. This rating system is a tool to enable new Rail based MRTS to apply green concepts during design & construction, so as to further reduce environmental impacts that are measurable. The overarching principle of IGBC Green MRTS Rating is to enhance commuter experience.

For Environment

• Conservation of energy & water resources

• Increased use of renewable energy sources, thereby minimising the environmental impacts associated with fossil fuel energy use

• Reduced use of fossil fuels for private vehicles & minimized green house gas emissions

• Waste management, thereby avoiding waste being sent to land-fills

• Use of eco-friendly construction materials thereby reducing the dependence on usage of virgin materials

• Improved health & productivity of staff

• Reduction in CO2 emissions

For Metro Rail Authorities:

• Operational savings

– Reduction in electrical demand (for rail traction & auxiliary) by 30%

– Savings in water consumption (through station buildings & viaduct) to the tune of 20%

– Effective management of waste during construction & operation of station

• Potential to achieve high carbon credits, than usual thereby creating opportunity for higher carbon financing

• High-performance & leadership through design and construction practices

• Effective Facility Management

• Opportunity to increase environmental awareness among commuters and local communities by sensitising them on green practices

For Commuters

• Improved accessibility to stations, thereby enabling easier first mile & last mile connectivity

• Integration with other modes of public transport, enabling commuters to conveniently interchange from one mode to another

• Effective ventilation & indoor environment quality

• Enhanced health, well-being & safety of construction workers and commuters

• User-friendly design for differently abled & elderly people

• Enhanced commuting experience

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