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Efficient Safety Solutions for Road and Rail

Measurement of visual range

Fog on the road presents a significant danger to drivers and is often underestimated.

A visual range measuring device is used to prevent pileups in fog. Depending on the measured visual range, the maximum allowed speed is specified on variable message signs.

Extractive measurement of visibility

A visibility measurement system can be mounted outside the tunnel, which makes access possible during operation. The system is extremely rugged and immune to external influences such as fog, contamination and small animals. The measured values are used for accurate, reliable control of the tunnel ventilation.

Measurement of CO concentrations

In the tunnel, concentrations of carbon monoxide must not exceed the limit value. The CO measurement system continuously monitors the percentage of CO in the tunnel atmosphere. Through gas filter correlation (NDIR), the measurement system remains stable over a long period of time without crosssensitivity with other pollutants.

Smoke detection for early fire detection

Because the concentration of soot particles increases faster than the temperature, optical sensors can detect a fire very early. The optical tunnel sensor uses the scattered light principle with protected measurement volume. It is able to achieve such high reliability that its alarms are processed automatically – even with tunnel closures.

Measurement of air speed

To regulate tunnel ventilation, the speed and direction of airflow in the tunnel must be measured: during normal operation and especially in the case of a fire. A flow tunnel sensor measures flow velocity without contact over the entire length of the tunnel. This ensures detection of airflow through the entire tunnel cross section is much more reliable than for selective measurement systems. The membrane of the ultrasonic transducer and the housing of a good flow tunnel sensor are made of metal. Compared to tunnel sensors made of plastic, metal allows use at higher temperatures. Versions with a stainless steel housing and a titanium transducer are maintenance free for at least five years.

Rail Safety Solutions Monitoring the track area

At stations without platform screen doors, a laser measurement sensor can be used to monitor the track area for protection of the track system or for the safety of passengers. The control station is notified when anyone is in this area. The combination of the intelligent field functions of the laser measurement sensor and the Flexi Soft safety controller allows the system to distinguish between people and incoming / outgoing trains. The monitoring areas are activated or deactivated depending on the position of the train via the Flexi Soft safety controller.

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