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Making Construction Work Zones safer

Focus- Avery dennison feat

Amandeep Singh, Senior Regional Business Manager Many construction work zones miss the installation of critical advance warning signs and traffic management devices designed to improve road safety. Signage and delineation devices used are often made of substandard reflective sheeting which is not effective in safely guiding road users through work zones, says Amandeep Singh, Senior Regional Business Manager, Reflective Solutions/ ...

Effective use of existing Public Transport Infrastructure

public transport - feat

Most cities do not have a timely estimate of the travel demand. Hence, all congestions mitigation plans are essentially a cure for the symptom and not the cause and we grope in the dark for the magic bullet that will make congestion disappear. All cities should put in place measures that will provide them with continuous estimate of travel patterns. ...

Technology for Road Safety

Dr Zafar Khan Technology has revolutionized road safety in India. It enables you to control traffic, catch lawbreakers, and provide road safety. While listing out some of the important solutions, Dr Zafar Khan, Head – Operations, Peak Infrastructure Management Services Pvt Ltd states that to make an infrastructure project work successfully, there is a need for effective collaboration between technology ...

Traffic and Revenue – Highways Sector

The Impact of COVID-19 on road sector is upsetting and revenues are choked as the tolling across plaza was suspended in order to stop the spread of the virus. However now the lockdowns are getting relaxed, tolling is allowed and traffic is slowly coming up on road again though passenger car traffic is almost negligible. Dr. Zafar Khan, Head – ...

Road to Recovery


The roads sector growth and economy go hand in hand. It is expected that the government would streamline a number of areas in the coming days leading to the overall revival, states Bovin Kumar, COO, Cube Highways and Transportation Assets Advisors (P) Ltd. During the lockdown over the last couple of months, entire road sector has lost out on different ...

COVID-19 Perils and Opportunities


According to Neeraj Sanghi, CEO, Highway Concessions One Private Ltd, once we are able to go through the current tough times, we could expect a turn-around for the road infrastructure sector in the coming years. In 2019-20, traffic growth remained low to even negative in some cases. As the concessionaires were looking for a better 2020-21, they are stuck by ...

Maharashtra government to modernize 150 State Transport depots

The Maharashtra government has envisaged a plan to modernize 150 State Transport depots across the state. Speaking to TrafficinfraTech, Transport Minister Anil Parab, said, “The whole idea of depot modernization is to explore how the transport department can commercially leverage its landbank.” Considering the transport department has huge landbank across Maharashtra, such modernization will shape the department revenue-wise, which are ...

WB to aid Rs 630Cr for water transport project in Assam

World Bank has signed a loan agreement with the Government of India and the Government of Assam for funding Rs 630Cr modernization of water transport project in the state. The project will support the Government of Assam’s efforts to corporatize its own ferry activities. The Assam Shipping Company (ASC) will operate the government ferries and the Assam Ports Company (APC) ...

Traffic Control systems by Siemens

Traffic Control systems by Siemens

Siemens Mobility’s UK division announced the first installation of its Plus+ traffic control system. The Plus+ uses distributed intelligence with simple power and data cabling to increase intersection availability and reduce overall installation and maintenance costs. Plus+ supports minimized disruption during installation and optimized traffic flow on the UK’s increasingly congested road network. The new ST950 Plus+ system no longer ...

Accelerating Transportation Systems in India

India is one of the largest development partners for JICA. Can you highlight some pointers on this special interest. We support India through ODA loans, technical cooperation and grant aid. In FY18, JICA has supported more than 60 projects in India across vital areas such as transport, water and sanitation, energy, forestry and agriculture, with total annual committed amount of ...