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Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor

How to create A Great City?

In our Urban Design section this time, we discuss certain issues that go in making a city green, and also address the pedestrian and traffic woes, instead of writing about the design of a structure

Leading the Way with Intelligent Transport Systems

Lyon, France hosted two major ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) events in early June. Richard Harris, Global Director, ITS, Logica attended them. He writes exclusively for TrafficInfraTech on the two conferences. There is a considerable debate throughout Europe on the potential impacts of the European Commission Action Plan and Directive. While many countries welcome the initiative, some remain concerned about how ...

Who I am and where am I going Demography, Lifestyles and Mobility

Gerard Tertoolen, Traffic Psychologist, XTNT at Utrecht, the Netherlands discusses how demographic and lifestyle changes can influence travel patterns. He says that by taking the wishes, motives and experiential values of mobile individuals into account as much as possible and by providing the right incentives at the right time, people can be induced to adjust their mobility patterns. Psychologists have ...

Vehicle Tracking Systems

Zyena VMX from Vajra InfraTech Pvt Ltd is an indigenously developed GPS-based vehicle tracking solution which gives real-time location of vehicles. It is a cost-effective solution which can be deployed across all types of vehicles such as two wheelers, cars, trucks, buses, cranes and tankers. Advanced integration with email and SMS ensures scheduled and on-demand reports on the location of ...

Aluminium Road Signage

Gold Star Strips Gujarat Pvt Ltd makes Aluminium Road Signage in different shapes – triangles, circles, hexagons and octagons. These signs have reflective sheeting for better visibility, and are supplied with angles and poles to facilitate their installation. Triangular and octagonal signs are available in heights of 600, 900 and 1000mm. while circular signs are supplied in diameters ranging from ...

Breath Alcohol Analyser

Police Type Breath Alcohol Analyser Model PD6000NX from Subtronics (India) Pvt Ltd is an upgrade to an older model PD6000N. It features increased stability, reliability and accuracy, with a longer battery life. An intuitive, graphical interface makes the PD6000X easy to use, without need for specialized training. Testing involves the subject blowing into the sensing portion of the instrument where ...

Speed Breaker

Plastic Speed Breakers from Pioneer Swift are available in a variety of sizes: 350x250x50mm, 500x400x50mm, 500x400x75mm and 750x250x75mm. The material used is UV stabilised which ensures the colours last long.

DA 1008

DA 1008 manufactured by Dark Eye is made of ABS (Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) plastic which makes it lightweight but quite tough. The styrene gives the DA 1008 a shiny, impermeable surface, while the butadiene provides resilience even at low temperatures. The DA 1008 has four highly reflective reflectors moulded from PMMA (Polymethyl methacrylate) that are welded onto it through an ...

Speed Bumps/Speed Breakers SW-PB-425*75

Madhav Safety Works Pvt Ltd has added a new product – 75mm high plastic speed bump (SW-PB-425*75 ) to its existing range of road safety products, manufactured under the brand name “Safety Works”. The plastic speed bump is made of specially compounded plastic which gives it greater durability. It is painted in black and yellow colours to ensure high visibility. ...

Vehicle Classifiers

TRS Plus vehicle classifiers from IRD Inc. offer superior data collection capability and can be used for a wide variety of traffic data collection and vehicle classification purposes. Supplied by IRD South Asia Pvt Ltd in India, the classifiers have two modes of operation – active and passive. In the passive mode, they can be used by government agencies to ...