The use of Hot In-Place Recycling (HIR) in road construction is quite widespread in the United States. This article is a discussion about some experiences with this process over the last two decades and how this process and the associated equipment and work methods have evolved. Past Experience The idea of using HIR was originally known as Heater Scarification in ...
Author Archives: TrafficInfraTech - Editor
“We are not building a metro:We are redefining Hyderabad”
As is known, Hyderabd Metro once completed will be one of the best mass rapid transport projects in the world, especially built on the PPP model. There are two hundred mass transit systems in the world and out of these, less than half a dozen are built on this model. Mostly, these are government funded and managed projects for the ...
Energy Cost in Metro Rail–Is it getting its due?
The energy consumed by trains is often neglected while arriving at cost of a mass transit project. The authors outline factors to be considered while arriving at estimates of energy consumption by rolling stock and during evaluation of bids for transit projects. Energy consumption by trains is a growing concern for operators and infrastructure administrators. Energy cost is 30-50% of ...
Green Transit Facilities and Benefits
Indian Green Building Council (IGBC) has set up the IGBC Green MRTS Steering Committee for developing a rating programme to address environmental performance of new Rail-based Mass Rapid Transit Systems To increase the share of public transport, many Indian cities are developing world-class Rail based Mass Rapid Transit Systems (MRTS). Currently metro rail system is operational in six Indian cities. ...
TrafficInfraTech Expo & Parking InfraTech Expo 2015
With the exhibition space for both Trafficinfratech Expo and Parking Infratech Expo getting filled up fast, the stage is all set for the 4th International TrafficInfratech Expo being held from January 7-9, 2015 in New Delhi. Enquiries and pre-registrations from around the country and abroad indicate that the event is going to be fruitful to the traffic industry and the ...
Smart Traffic Management With Real Time Data Analysis
Smart Cities – a buzzword that has become a must ingredient in all our talks and discussions when we refer to how technology can be used for more productive gains. Over the last decade, the adoption and use of technologies like Mobility, Cloud and Social Platforms, commonly referred to as SoCoMo, has made it possible for common, middle class users ...
Rosmerta Technologies:Providing Smart Transportation Solutions
Rosmerta Technologies is a र100 million group that has established itself in transport solutions and e-governance. Rosmerta Group has highest number of client base in India for High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) supply and fixation. The company has successfully implemented varied projects across 13 states in India. It has an experience of over seven years in executing Smart Card Projects, ...
Inland Water Transportation
Since ancient times, inland water transport has played a major role in moving goods and commodities from production sources to consumption destinations. The author takes a look at the potential of IWT in the country and recent developments. Water is a source of life! Waterways are corridors of economic growth. History shows that waterways created and sustained great civilisations: Indus ...
Making Roads Safer
With its size, population, diversity, urbanization and motorization, road safety is set to be one of India’s biggest emerging challenges. Maruti Suzuki runs a large nationwide road safety programme that focuses on providing scientific driving training and generating awareness amongst masses on safe driving. As per the MoRTH report, total of 4, 97,686 road accidents were reported in India in ...
“Vehicle Tracking market in India will reach र150cr”
Anuresh Sharma, Chief Operating Officer, Arya Omnitalk talks about a wide range of sectors including Vehicle Tracking, ETC and Highway Traffic Management solutions. Arya Omnitalk has been into Vehicle Tracking Systems for a decade. How has the market evolved over the years? The GPS Vehicle Tracking market in India is largely confined to Trucking, Employee Transportation, Public Transportation and Taxi ...