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50,000 kids and 5,000 women to be trained on road safety

Hope Foundation, a Bangalore based NGO, in collaboration with Volvo India, plans to launch an initiative to train about 50,000 high school pupils across Karnataka and about 5,000 women from villages and city slums in the next one year. The pupils and women will be educated on the importance of using footpaths while walking, being alert while crossing roads and tips for safe travel using public transport. Audio-visual media, charts, photographs and street plays, along with actual examples, will be used to educate the children. Volvo India safety trainers will visit pupils in schools after school hours and on holidays to conduct the training sessions. They will also conduct refresher courses for the pupils every three months. The women who will be trained will be those engaged in self-help groups, who would be able to influence and train other women in road safety.

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