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‘Workshop on ‘Mumbai inTransit’

MMRDA is executing 337, 1km of Metro Master plan Network in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR0 consisting of 14 lines. Out of the 14 lines, Metro Line 1 (Versova – Andheri – Ghatkopar), a fully elevated 11.8km long corridor has been implemented on PPP basis are Metro Line 2A (Andheri W to Dahisar E) & 7 (Gundavali to Dahisar E) are in advance stage of completion and is planned to be commissioned early 2022. Whereas, civil works have already commenced for ML 2B, 4, 4A, 5, 6, 7A, 9 and are about to commence for ML 10, 11 & 12. Metro Line 8, 13, & 14 are under planning stage and soon will be taken up for implementation.

In Order to create synergies among different stakeholders such as MCGM, Civil Society, Planners, experts, BEST etc and also to create awareness among the society at large, accelerate and create awareness among the commuters, citizens and to highlight the benefits a workshop on Mumbai in Transit in scheduled on 16th February 2022 from 10.30am onwards in Auditorium, New MMRDA Building, Bandra- Kurla Complex. In this workshop presentations followed by discussions will be held on a variety of topics such as the impact of the metro line on Western Mumbai, Multimodal Integration, last mile connectivity, Transit oriented development, Integrated Ticketing System etc.

Hon’ble M.C. MMRDA chaired the workshop on 16th February 2022 at 10.30am Hon. PS(1), UUD has joined the workshop via video conference and gave his valuable inputs.

Hon’ble Minister Tourism, Protocol & Environment, Guardian Minister, MSD GoM has joined the workshop via video conference as a chief guest. He highlighted the transition happening in Mumbai, particularly in western suburbs. He directed the MMRDA, MCGM & other stakeholders to work towards making infrastructure design as quality to match with world top utilities “for ease of living”. MMRDA plans to have more such interactions among the stakeholders in due course.

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