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Wireless systems controlled streetlights

San Francisco will test energy-saving streetlights and wireless systems in three areas across the city in 2013, and, if successful, the technology will be used to control 18,500 lights and other equipment, such as traffic signals and surveillance cameras. Under the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission?s (SFPUC) pilot programme, eight companies have been chosen to showcase their wireless streetlight systems.

If the programme is successful, 60% of the city?s streetlights will be controlled by wireless systems by 2015 as part of the $16m LED Street Light Conversion Project. LED streetlights consume only half the energy of regular sodium cobra head-style streetlights and do not require any maintenance for at least two decades.

The system will be tested in the neighbourhoods of Irving Street between Sixth and 24th avenues, Washington Street between Presidio Avenue and Arguello Boulevard, and Pine Street between Market Street and Grant Avenue.

SFPUC noted that the LED lights will boost road safety and illuminate the streets and sidewalks with neutral white light.

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