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Traffic management solutions from PARKnSECURE

bulwark - PArknsecureBoom barrier – Induction/Ac servo Motor Based

PARKnSECURE’s brings Bulwark, a boom barrier that is manufactured under Make in India campaign. It comes with some amazing features like customizable cabinet, provision to be connected to computer via RS232, fast speed, access through RFID and Bluetooth, response time of 0.626 seconds and more. Safety precaution functionality has also been added in the barrier. It even permits the user to relish remote configuration due to the facility of TCP/IP. Bulwark is very user friendly and is designed as per the international standards that incorporates soft contours, key lock release, LED lights and more attractive features. The affordable cost is the best part about our boom barrier and although there are a variety of other boom barriers available in the market, people choose us to save money while getting high quality.

 Emergency Call Box - PArknsecureEmergency Call Box- VOIP/GSM Based

This offers an end-to-end solution for road-side assistance in case of emergency situations. It is a robust communication system that incorporates telephone boxes installed at the highway connected to a control centre for instant emergency responses. It comes with the following features:

  • Design compliance: Design of ECB complies with the international standards like IP65, CE and UL
  • Hands-free Emergency Calling: ECB the user can avail hands-free emergency call management service.
  • Direct routing to emergency services: If needed, the user can even directly talk to an emergency service like fire-brigade, hospital or police.
  • Connectivity options: The ECB system runs on an ethernet network providing fibre optic connectivity.
  • Remote service: With VoIP/GSM connectivity the calls for help can be made practically from any remote location

AVCC- ProfilerLIDAR Based - PArknsecureAVCC – Profiler/LIDAR Based

A high-speed data collection system that detects, counts and classifies all the vehicles passing where it is installed. The best part is that installing an AVCC never interrupts the flow of the traffic. The AVCC system can be interfaced with various components like VMS, CCTV, Modem and more. It is even compatible with multiple modes of data collection. ATCC helps in counting the flow of the traffic in real-time.

Some of the features of AVCC:

  • Easy to set up and run
  • Our traffic counter/classifier is portable
  • The system is compatible with the Axle Light Laser Sensor
  • Follows Indian Standard
  • Separate battery compartment
  • Multilane operation is available
  • Comes with weatherproof housing
  • For additional storage there is PCMCIA memory option

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