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Monday , 22 July 2024

Tag Archives: World Bank

Vigilance and monitoring beefed up on Highways

The Ministry of Road Transport in a first has planned to have an initiative to monitor violations of traffic rules on national highways. Mobile teams of ex-defence personnel armed with body-cameras will be deployed by the ministry followed by installation of CCTV cameras on 11 highway stretches in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar. The deployed personnel will patrol ...

Comprehensive approach to Road Safety

In line with international experience and practice, the World Bank has progressively developed a comprehensive approach to road safety that doesn’t just consider infrastructure design but brings together all key stakeholders that have a stake in making and keeping roads safe, from police authorities to transport and health departments as well as infrastructure providers. One example of this approach is ...

Himachal Pradesh to get World Bank funding

Himachal Pradesh will get funding from the World Bank for the second phase of its road projects. The Bank has however outlined conditions for the funding. These include setting up of an independent agency to oversee the projects and their implementation within a fixed time frame. It has proposed giving functional autonomy to the Himachal Pradesh Road and Infrastructure Development ...

India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway

Construction work on a trilateral highway connecting the north-eastern states of India with Myanmar and Thailand has begun. The trilateral highway, which is expected to be completed by 2016, will play an important role in promoting and boosting trade and investment flows between the three countries, allowing freight and container trucks to move across the borders of India, Myanmar and ...

India-Myanmar-Thailand trilateral highway

Construction work on a trilateral highway connecting the north-eastern states of India with Myanmar and Thailand has begun. The trilateral highway, which is expected to complete by 2016 will play an important role in promoting and boosting trade and investment flows between the three countries, allowing freight and container trucks to move across the borders from India to Myanmar and ...

Karnataka highways project gets WB loan

The Second Karnataka State Highways Improvement Project II (KSHIP II) has got a $350 loan from the World Bank. KSHIP II will cover 25,000km of Karnataka’s most important traffic corridors which the government has identified as the state’s core roads. Among other things, the project will convert about 1,230km of roads into two lane highways. It will also reduce road ...

World Bank to investigate road safety in India

Alarmed by the increasing number of road accident deaths in India — the highest in the world at 1.18 lakh — the World Bank has decided to carry out safety investigations on various patches of state and national highways totaling 3,000km and fund retro-fitting to make them safer. Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF), which is anchored in the World Bank, ...