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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: Transportation Safety

The spate of recent road accidents involving two wheelers and four wheelers leads mostly to bad road conditions, lack of proper signage, traffic rule violations and over speeding.

How do we balance addressing these and also implement safety technologies? Did you know that India recorded 4,12,432 road accidents in 2021? Whereas the number of accidents recorded in 2020 was 3,66,138, indicating a 12.65% increase in road accidents in 2021. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways reported that about 67% of accidental deaths in 2021 were of the ...

Texas drivers concerned about road safety

According to the Texas Safety Culture Survey, in Texas, USA, drivers have agreed that texting while driving is a major concern as there has been an 81% rise in the usage of mobile phones. The survey, conducted by the Center for Transportation Safety at the Texas Transportation Institute in the last quarter of 2010, shows that out of the 1167 ...