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Tag Archives: Transport corporation

Towards Operational Efficiency with technology and more technology

State Road Transport Undertakings have a big role to play in the mobility of people – interstate and intrastate. Technologies like ITS, Telematics, Vehicle safety, Communication, Routing & Scheduling, etc are increasingly being implemented for seamless travel by SRT buses, states R R K Kishore, Director (Technical), Association of State Road Transport Undertakings.   However, the operational efficiency depends mainly ...

Tolling and Traffic Management Video analytics based interventions

Usage of inventive Traffic Video Analytics systems in countries like India can play a bigger game in analysing and optimizing the road traffic resulting in reduced congestion and controlled traffic movement in all types of roads writes Nagendra Reddy V, CEO & Founder, VTRAC Worldwide Currently India possesses close to 700 toll plazas on a stretch of around 30,000 kms ...