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Monday , 22 July 2024

Tag Archives: traffic violations

Vehicle Interceptors for Road Safety

A renewed focus on road safety and traffic violation enforcement in India has led to the introduction of unique technology solutions. Sid Jalan explores one such solution – Vehicle Interceptors – and its deployment in the country. Indian roads, spread across 63 lakh kms, have become infamous for their lack of safety – often featuring as one of the most ...

Security Innovations for Smart Transportation

There are multiple challenges to implement smart transportation projects. One of the key challenges lies with limited infrastructure available for the roads. In India most of the land is in the brownfield category, so it becomes difficult to create an elevated highway road or underground road. The cost, time and process of land acquisition remains a key challenge for smart ...

“ROAD SAFETY: First Step is to Educate People”

Diwakar Raote, Transport Minister, Government of Maharashtra talks to TrafficInfraTech on government’s thrust area for safe mobility in the state. The Transport Ministry’s thrust areas with regards to safe and convenient mobility ? We are looking at an individual whether on the road or the one driving the vehicle; here safety of both the individuals is involved. One mistake byeither one can lead to a major accident.  There ...