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Tag Archives: Traffic Control Systems

Traffic Control systems by Siemens

Traffic Control systems by Siemens

Siemens Mobility’s UK division announced the first installation of its Plus+ traffic control system. The Plus+ uses distributed intelligence with simple power and data cabling to increase intersection availability and reduce overall installation and maintenance costs. Plus+ supports minimized disruption during installation and optimized traffic flow on the UK’s increasingly congested road network. The new ST950 Plus+ system no longer ...

ATCS for effective signaling cycle

The current traffic control systems in the metro cities of India are facing problems due to randomness in the traffic density pattern throughout the day. The traffic signal timers have a fixed time period to switch traffic between different directions. Due to this, the vehicles have to often wait for a long-time span even if the traffic density is very ...

TRL offers TEST to traffic operators

Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) of the United Kingdom has offered a new medium to the operators of traffic control centres for integrating real-time signal control mechanisms like SCOOT (Split Cycle and Offset Optimisation Technique) with PTV’s VISSIM micro-simulation package. Called Tool for Evaluating Strategies for Traffic (TEST), this microscopic simulation programme will allow the operators to replicate various traffic scenarios ...

Second Traffic Infra Tech Expo

If the success of the first TrafficInfraTech Expo held in February this year in New Delhi is any measure, the second one scheduled for May 2012 at Mumbai promises to be a great show. It is already generating greater expectations. For many traffic companies, it is a coming back to a different region and for the new exhibitors, it is ...