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Monday , 22 July 2024

Tag Archives: Real estate

BERNARD Gruppe Solutions for Infrastructure Maintenance

In order to support relevant authorities and various infrastructure owners to efficiently cope with the increased maintenance needs, the BERNARD Gruppe provides a number of systems and solutions   BERNARD ACOUSTICS ANALYSER (BAA) This is an acoustic system to monitor roadway expansion joints. It consists of two specialised microphones and can be retrofitted on various types of bridges in order ...


TMS Our Toll Management System is a fool-proof lane engine which is not only powerful but also allied with other sub-systems. It is designed to facilitate a system free from any fraudulence and provides a seamless, accurate, steady, identifiable and traceable financial system. Other integrated sub-system works independently well but in control and harmony of lane engine. It is also ...

Crash tested barriers from Swaraj Secutech

Swaraj Patriot Series Boom Barriers Swaraj’s Patriot Series Barriers are the ideal choice for heavy duty operations. When the requirement is a combination of maintenance free operation and aesthetic looks, Patriot barriers fit in perfectly. The features include 100% duty cycle operation with 5 million MTB; Control Boards with heavy duty transformers for Indian Conditions; Easy Installations and maintenance free ...

Shopping Malls and E-Charging

As is seen in different projects around the world, the world is now looking at e-MaaS. And thus, it is only logical for us to look at e-PaaS as well. We discuss here what it might look like with electric charging taking centre stage at the parking space in shopping malls. Although EV adoption in India is slow, due to ...