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Tag Archives: over speeding

ANPR system from Uncanny Vision

Traffic ANPR for highways: This uses Artificial Intelligence-based vehicle detection and classification technology, bundled with ANPR for traffic enforcement. The system automatically classifies the vehicles scanned and classifies the same based on the class of the vehicle providing very high accuracy. Traffic enforcement based on AI can be done using cameras alone or in combination with systems such as radars, ...

Planning, Improving travel safety with AI powered traffic management

A silent revolution is underway on India’s busy, clamorous roads. Several city civic bodies and various other government organizations are investing in deployment of Intelligent Traffic Management Systems (ITMS) powered by artificial intelligence (AI). TrafficInfraTech examines how these technologies are likely to improve travel safety, reduce travel-stress, and transform the overall travel experience for the citizens in India. Little must ...

Improving Road Safety through Smart Data

In a recent data released by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MoRTH) reveals that, India had lost 1,47,913 people to road crashes in 2017, of which 48,764 were on two-wheelers, 26,869 were car crash victims, 20,457 were pedestrians deaths, and 3,559 were cyclists. This roughly amounts to an average of over 400 deaths every day on Indian roads. Over ...