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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: National Highways

Green Cover Index for NHs

Greening of highways being a focal point for MoRTH and NHAI under the Green Highways Policy of 2015, the latter has entered into an MoU with the National Remote Sensing Centre (NRSC) under ISRO for a period of three years to develop and report a “Green Cover Index” for the extensive network of National Highways in India. Using the capabilities ...

Black spots to be rectified

Addressing an event organised by International Road Federation, Anurag Jain, Secretary, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways stated that about 4,000 black spots have been rectified in the last three years. Nine thousand more black spots have been identified and the Ministry has set a target of March 2025 to rectify all black spots in the country. Stretches of about ...

The Datafication of India’s Highways

No matter how fast commuters could drive on the highway, they always got stuck while paying the toll. But now paying toll is made simpler than before and how? Tolling is a hot topic today because the toll collection has been a long-standing impediment in increasing the efficiency of vehicle movement. Consider this: before any of the modern electronic mechanisms ...

India: Guiding growth through Infrastructure development

Infrastructure has been one of the cornerstones in the development of the country with exponential growth over the past decade. India has an evolved outlook towards infrastructure development, writes Prerna Soni, Senior Vice President, Invest India. There has been a paradigm shift in the approach towards building infrastructure in India, from need based to an integrated long-term development strategy. All ...

Vigilance and monitoring beefed up on Highways

The Ministry of Road Transport in a first has planned to have an initiative to monitor violations of traffic rules on national highways. Mobile teams of ex-defence personnel armed with body-cameras will be deployed by the ministry followed by installation of CCTV cameras on 11 highway stretches in Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Himachal Pradesh and Bihar. The deployed personnel will patrol ...

More roads to be concretized

The Road Ministry has recently announced that 234kms roads in Nagpur distruct would be brought under the ambit of National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and fully concretized. The Outer Ring Road would be completed at the cost of 1,700 crore and its tenders would soon be floated. In Karnataka too134-km Bengaluru-Mysuru highway will be widened from four to six ...

Highway villages to be mandatory

India is proposing to introduce a new stiff clause in highway contracts that will make it mandatory for developers to provide facilities for drivers, called highway villages, on the lines of international norms. Detailed project reports (DPRs) for all upcoming highways and expressways will have a mandatory provision to include highway villages. A specialized wing would be set up at ...

E-tags for toll collection on National highways

The Road Ministry will have the Electronic Toll Collection system implemented on all toll plazas on the national highways in at least one lane by the end of the fiscal. The Ministry plans to implement electronic toll collection across the national highways and the National Highways Authority of India has formed Indian Highways Management Company Ltd to implement electronic toll ...

Roads to Safety

India has the dubious distinction of having maximum number of fatalities on our roads. During the year 2012, 138275 people were killed in 4,90,000 accidents. Improvement of roads and availability of new age vehicles have led to increased speed on the road and thereby increased accidents. As such road safety is an area of concern for all the Government. V ...

Road Development Ecosystem for the North East Region

Roads are one of the most important development demands from the North East (NE) Indian States. Density of roads in North East Region (NER) is far less than the national average. NER Vision 2020 and XIth Five Year Plan also emphasize requirement of expansion, maintenance and improvement of the road network at all levels from National Highways (NH) to rural roads and even porter tracks to provide the essential basis for trade and economic development. Even though the road network per capita is significantly higher in NER compared to the rest of the country, the road length per unit area is low, making the accessibility requirement of inhabitants a need to attend to. A. Saurikhia, Senior Scientist & Head, TMBD, CSIR-CRRI, writes on the special needs and strategies for NER and the technology management initiatives.