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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: Intelligent Transportation Systems

Advancing Intelligent Transportation System in India: A Comprehensive Review of the Latest NHAI ATMS Policy (2023)

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) emerge as a critical catalyst for reshaping the landscape of transportation. This article, authored by Akhilesh Srivastava, CEO of ITS India Forum, critically reviews the recently introduced NHAI ATMS Policy (2023), shedding light on its transformative potential and addressing key aspects of technological evolution, safety enhancement, and collaborative initiatives. Integration of cutting-edge technologies within ITS presents ...

Navigating Urban Dynamics: The Art and Science of Traffic Data Analysis

In the hustle and bustle of urban cities, the flow of traffic is both a necessity and a challenge. As cities grow and populations surge, the need for efficient transportation systems becomes more critical than ever. Explore further into the domain of Traffic Data Analysis, the sophisticated art and science behind understanding, optimizing, and navigating the intricate dynamics of vehicular ...

The spate of recent road accidents involving two wheelers and four wheelers leads mostly to bad road conditions, lack of proper signage, traffic rule violations and over speeding.

How do we balance addressing these and also implement safety technologies? Did you know that India recorded 4,12,432 road accidents in 2021? Whereas the number of accidents recorded in 2020 was 3,66,138, indicating a 12.65% increase in road accidents in 2021. The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways reported that about 67% of accidental deaths in 2021 were of the ...

Comprehensive Security Solutions for Smart Transportation Sector

AI & IoT enabled Smart Security Solutions is set to revolutionize Smart Transportation sector in India writes Ashish P Dhakan, MD & CEO, Prama Hikvision India Pvt Ltd According to a new report from Tractica (a market intelligence firm that focuses on human interaction with technology), “The Artificial Intelligence (AI) is an umbrella term that includes multiple technologies, such as ...

Transportation as a Services

Tomorrow’s transportation is poising towards a radical change that could influence various spectrum of life and technology. Today the transportation is mainly product centric; and we talk about Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) aiming to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management. The current approach is vehicle-level focused, independent, unconnected and subject to behaviors and decisions. ...

ITS:The way forward to a smart travel

Intelligent Transportation Systems are the need of the hour in today?s travel scenario. Vidyottama Sharma on why are they needed, why is India lagging behind in their use and what solutions can be adopted for their better use.

Mysore becomes the first official Indian city to implement ITS

While optimum use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) for improvement of traffic conditions and safety of road, rail, air and water commuters is much debated in the country, the state of Karnataka has taken the lead in trying to make one of its cities an ITS city. Under the aegis of Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), and as part of the GEF-SUTP Programme, Mysore City has been chosen to be India?s first major ITS city, with the backing of the Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India. S Mallikarjuna, Chief Mechanical Engineer (P) who has put in 32 years at KSRTC and is the Head of its Project Implementation Unit, writes exclusively for TrafficInfraTech on the process of making Mysore an ITS City.

How Safe are we on Our Roads?

Vidyottama Sharma speaks with the industry, enforcement agencies, NGOs and medical fraternity on the safety on our roads, enforcement issues, decision dilemmas and solutions

IRDSA gets new Managing Director

IRD Inc.(International Road Dynamics, Canada) has appointed a new Managing Director, Pramod Radhakrishnan for IRD South Asia Pvt. Ltd (IRDSA). Radhakrishnan brings over 20 years of executive and international business experience to the team in India. He has been instrumental in establishing, managing and restructuring operations of several international corporations in India over the last several decades. IRDSA deals in ...