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Sunday , 21 July 2024

Tag Archives: Infrastructure



BERNARD Mobility Analyser The BERNARD Mobility Analyser consists of an intelligent optical system that provides information about road users and traffic flow directly on site. No videos are stored. The anonymous evaluation is carried out directly in the camera system. This real-time information is used to intelligently control traffic systems, improve safety at pedestrian crossings or school bus stops, or ...

Effective use of existing Public Transport Infrastructure

public transport - feat

Most cities do not have a timely estimate of the travel demand. Hence, all congestions mitigation plans are essentially a cure for the symptom and not the cause and we grope in the dark for the magic bullet that will make congestion disappear. All cities should put in place measures that will provide them with continuous estimate of travel patterns. ...

iQuippo launches digitise co-lending platform

iQuippo, India’s first digital marketplace for infrastructure equipment, today launched its upgraded financing portal (www.iquippo.com) and became the first digital platform in the country to digitise the co-lending programmes of banks and NBFCs. The state-of-the-art platform now offers its customers an option to choose offers from different financial institutions; it also negotiates with them online on behalf of the financial ...

IoT- Redefining Logistics

Whether manufacturing, retail, distribution, or shipping, planning and managing the flow of raw materials and finished goods through the supply chain is a challenge. Materials are often improperly shipped or stored, which can damage sensitive goods. Plus, the sheer size and capacity of a large operation can lead to disorganization in a manufacturing warehouse or distribution facility. A few years ...

‘Bridging’ the gap

Implemented by the Delhi Tourism and Transportation Development Corporation (DTTDC), the 575 metre Signature Bridge links National Highway-1 near the existing T-point at Wazirabad on the western bank of the Yamuna river to the Marginal Bund road at Khajuri Khas on its eastern bank. The main span of the bridge is 251 metres, while the side spans have a total ...

Panel Discussion Reinventing Public Transport

The panel discussion on ‘Reinventing Public Transport’ at Smart Mobility 2018 in Mumbai focussed on buses and its potential to cater as a main mode of transport to work as first & last mile connectivity for major mass transport infrastructure like railways & metros. The panellists were Prof HM Shivanand Swamy, Executive Director, Centre for Excellence in Urban Transport, CEPT ...

Urban Mobility plan for India

The Government will be taking a unified approach towards executing a urban mobility plan for India by bringing all the transport and infrastructure related ministries to come together and collaborate both at the Central and State levels. The group at the Centre will be headed by Road Transport & Highway Minister Nitin Gadkari and will facilitate faster clearance of projects. ...

Traffic Management as a Service

Traffic Management as a Service – TMaaS is a new concept which applies the latest ideas and technology to traffic management infrastructure, with a wide range of different application modules managed by experts TMaaS is based on flexible deployment options tailored to individual customer requirements. Using browserbased user interfaces with easy workflows, the solution is ideally suited to the modern ...

FACE FORWARD: The Future of Facial Recognition

Smart roads’ or ‘Smart highways’ has managed to gain ground in the developed world that are intended to be both interactive and largely self-powering. The concept holds tremendous potential for India considering its road network being the second largest in the world and continues to be the most important means of transport. This large road asset can be leveraged for ...

Smarter Roads and their challenges

The development of Technology and its applications is making roads ‘Smart’ and fit for the future. We are entering a period that promises a step change in road operations, especially in the developed world. Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) enables the safe and effective movement of people, goods and data and addresses safety, congestion, and journey-time reliability amongst other things. More ...