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Tag Archives: Industrial waste

New President of IRC

Prof Manoranjan Parida, Director, Central Road Research Institute (CRRI), New Delhi has been appointed as the President of IRC recently. Prof Parida is an aluminous of UCE, Burla (currently known as VSSUT). He was Deputy Director at IIT Roorkee before joining CSIR-CRRI. He has been MoRTH Chair Professor on Development of Highway System in India at IIT Roorkee during 2013-2017. ...

Greener Future: Sustainable Road Construction Through Waste Material Utilization

The concept of using waste materials in road construction is not new, but its importance has gained traction in recent years due to the escalating environmental challenges and the push for a circular economy. By repurposing industrial by-products, agricultural residues, and other waste materials, road construction can become a pivotal part of the solution to global waste management problems. This ...