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Tag Archives: Cycling

Pedaling to Work

Firoza Suresh, Mumbai’s Cycle bicycle enthusiast has pledged to make cycling the most sustainable way to commute- not just for health, but also to work and leisure. With the Smart Commute Foundation – Cycle2Work | MeCycleRider initiatives, she has been motivating Mumbaikars to take to bicycles. Firoza spoke to Mangala Chandran about her bicycle journey- as a school girl to ...

Are Cycles for Allies & Parks?

A growing band of young, successful Indians are taking to cycling as a green lifestyle choice, but it’s far from a smooth ride. TrafficInfraTech finds out… Mark Twain once said, ‘Get a bicycle. You will not regret it, if you live. Cycling on Indian roads? One may think it’s just unsafe given the terrible shape of our roads and the ...

Who I am and where am I going Demography, Lifestyles and Mobility

Gerard Tertoolen, Traffic Psychologist, XTNT at Utrecht, the Netherlands discusses how demographic and lifestyle changes can influence travel patterns. He says that by taking the wishes, motives and experiential values of mobile individuals into account as much as possible and by providing the right incentives at the right time, people can be induced to adjust their mobility patterns. Psychologists have ...